Marijuana and I-doser

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Marijuana and I-doser

Post by m00t »

So, recently, I toked a few bowls and had a wonderful experience with I-doser. My three doses were:

1) Trip
2) Peyote
3) A-Bomb

As for the preparation, I got a nice comfortable fluffy pillow and stuck it under my desk (bed is just a bit too much out of reach). I smoked a little bit beforehand, and had a calm, relaxed mood before taking my dose. I had the munchies, but I still had some butterfinger minis left in the fridge, lol.

The trip dose didn't really seem to effect me much. I had my eyes closed but it didn't really resonate through me as much as my next dose, peyote, did. Peyote hit me like a truck. About 20% of the way in, I opened my eyes and it seemed like the walls were closing in on me. I'm not claustrophobic but it seemed like every surface I glanced at seemed to be rushing towards me. About 50% of the way in, I had been sitting sedentary for about 45 mins, and decided to check my monitor to make sure I was not in screen-saver mode and instantly felt the effects. I had left a folder open in thumbnail mode and it looked like it was stretching and contorting. My computer monitor also seemed like it was breathing in and out uncontrollably. The peyote wore off without many more effects, and I decided to try A-Bomb.

A-Bomb started off slow, I didn't feel it at first (mind was still flattening from peyote). I decided to let my mind wander, as I was not sure what the effects would be. It wasn't too long before the pace started to speed up, and this immediately attracted my attention. The beat kept speeding up, and I felt like I was being dropped out of a plane (hence A-Bomb) and the beat kept getting higher pitched and louder until eventually it exploded and it literally blew my mind. After the dose was over, my mind felt expanded, like someone gradually dropped grains of sand on a table and then blew on the sand, sending it in all directions.

tl;dr version:

good times on peyote and A-bomb
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