Inhalant experience - this was insane.

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Inhalant experience - this was insane.

Post by Sweeet »

some friends of mine were over at my place with their computer and so we had been playin for a while.. Later on we all decided to take a dose before we went to sleep.. I know doses as often arent at full effect when ure tired so I was a bit suspicious about what kind of effect I would get. My other friends went on with some sedative doses but after reading all the experiences from people I decided I just had to try Inhalant. We turned off the lights and all found some comfortable seats and beds.. Since some of the doses lasted a bit longer than 30 min we agreed that those who completed the doses first wouldt turn on the screens or make any noise to bother the others. Ive been doing I-doses for a while so Ive got some experience from the other doses.. I guess except for some tireness I was in great shape for preparing for a dose, I wasnt hungry, thursty and I just took a piss.. I have to mention one thing before I go on.. It really bothers me when people write experiences and are clearly exaggerating and telling about way to insane things that I honestly have very hard to believe, therefor I am 100% honest when sharing my experiences. Also I would like to add that I honestly have to idea how long, and at what time each of the incidents I am about to present happened as I dont have any "timer", I'm pretty much just guessing heh..

Ok so we started the doses.. The first phase of the dose fealt pretty much like the other doses.. Kinda made me dizzy and made me feeling a bit weird.. But that was only for like the first 5 minutes.. The room was quite dark but it was getting early allready so even with the curtens covered there were still some light.. I was sitting in a comfortable cheer in front of my screen ( which was turned off, of course) with my eyes shut and after perhaps 6-7 minutes I opened my eyes a bit.. I could see like a white spot on the black screen floating around and felt knda funny.. For about a minute I found this quite amusing and then I shut my eyes again.. ( Ive allways had a tendency to see like a black spot in my white roof or things like that when i I-dose so I didn't really find it so strange). After again keeping my eyes closed for a couple of minutes I slowly opened them again and was shocked as I looked at my black computer screen. I could clearly see the face of a white boy looking around and towards me. He bent against his arm and seemed sort of tired. This really freaked me out and I have to admit I got quite scared at this point, as I've never fealt anything like this from any other doses.. I kept staring at this kid for perhaps a minute and was just frozen, unable to move. Then the sound tuned down and stressed as I was I thought perhaps the dose was finished allready ( after all I did get into a kind of uncontrolable state and so I thought maybe the time just went fast, as Ive experienced that with several other doses ). As I see it, most of the doses concists of three type of sounds. Its the first one like a low-frequent jet-engine or smthn, and then its the one where it seems like a continously stream of sounds goes in circles, and then its the continously beeping sound, but this dose really added something new. As the former sound tuned down and I thought the whole thing was over a whole new sound approached and it scared me to death. Its quite unexplainable and u really have to hear it ureself. Either way it scared me to death as I saw a white flash at the screen during the start of the sound, as if the kid came towards me, and I immideantly threw my headphones of. I was completely panicked and tried to turn on my screen but then it came to my mind that my friends were still dosing and panicked as I was I thought they would kill me if I bothered them. So I rapidly turned it off again. So I was sitting there facing my computer who was standing towards the wall with complete paranoia. I felt all alone and I was constantly looking around me in the room if there was anyone there. So I sat there for perhaps a few minutes and then I couldnt take it anymore. I got out from my chair and quickly got into my room and turned on the tv to calm me down, while I was swetting like hell. After a while I heard my friends started talking again so I understood their doses were finished and I went back into the livingroom with them.....

This dose is nothing like the others I have tried. It offered no euphoria feeling or other effects that could help me compare it to any other doses ive done. Earlier Ive had few or no respect for the warnings at the doses and Ive been doing several ones with markings as VERY STRONG and Ive done lots of them (except HoG). Indeed they have had excelent effects on me but this was really something uniqe.

Please share your experiences with me if uve felt some similar effects from the Inhalant:) I-doser really hit a one-hit-wonder on this one. It's a complexe and advanced dose which really will take u for the ride of ure life. I guess since im so positivly surprised about the effect on this one I'll have to man my self up and complete the whole dose some time. cuz im telling u, nothing rocked my sences like this!!
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Post by sicilian »

it IS that scary.

I had the same experience, threw my mics away and freaked out. I'm gonna try it again some other time.
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Post by Dazino »

Am I the only one who doesnt get fucked up while listening to this dose? All I saw were some white flashes! Xp I liked the report though! Hope you become another one of the good reporters this fourm has.
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Post by Clowd »

The wierd sounds in inhalent, are due to the volume that the particular part of the dose being at 5000, other doses never exceed 100
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Post by dopeboy23 »

Ah, that sounds creepy. Sadly, inhalant does not really affect me. Perhaps I should try it again soon? Maybe my headphones only make some doses work b/c of the khz range?
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Post by A »

NICE man, nice. i love inhalant. it gives me a rush of joy XDDD
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