Don't know where to put this but I have a question.

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Don't know where to put this but I have a question.

Post by ChristopherE »

How come some i-dose drugs have warnings? None of it can really kill you or mess you up so why say "DON'T DO THIS UNLESS YOU'RE AN EXPERIENCED I-DOSE USER" or something? I find that kind of moronic unless there is something bad about using i-dose?

Thank you.
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Post by BL4CKW4T3RP4RK »

these aren't "real drugs" but you can still have a "bad trip". just no long-term side-effects (that we know of yet).
Last edited by BL4CKW4T3RP4RK on Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by saintspader »

I dont think there is one thats not rated "Mild" or "moderate" So..If it says really strong, think of that as, low.
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