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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:38 am
by Clave
I tried and i think it worked best, but still not very statisfiedly to me.
What is adrenochrome?

Adrenochrome is a bloodstilling (german translation, sry if it's wrong) substance. If it's taken more than 5mg, it causes halucinations, pain and shizophrenia like feelings. It's been produced in the body in small amounts!
Binaural Waves can cause chemical reactions, if it's not fake.
Maybe causes the i-doser dose this reaction, but still below 5mg. What happens, if you play this dose 3x or something like that?

Did you have experiences with adrenochrome?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:59 am
by saintspader
Justa an adrinlaline rush.