Happy Experience Toppic =)

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Happy Experience Toppic =)

Post by Hidalgo »

Hi Everybody,

I bet that everybody hates those experience topics which do nothing else but scare you to do some doses...

That's why I made this topic, so that people who need a confirmation that, altough most of the people make it seem not, I-Doser also is fun :-D

So here are a few rules:

1) No post in the trend of 'OMG i was so scared' or 'DO NOT TRY THIS!'. This will disencourage the new users. Perhaps you got scared, that doesn't mean everybody wil ... 8)

2) Make your language clear! I think I'm not the only one who hates it when you are trying to read an experience and the punctuation is missing or incorrect. Myself, I'm Belgian, a country where they only talk French and Dutch so it shouldn't be that hard ...

3) If you really want to be a help, make your outlay something like this:

Title or name of the Dose

A) Your start, situation, specific reasons why ...

B) During the dose, what did you feel? Was there something noticable, something about the sound itself? Did you see anything ? etc ...

C) The 'afterparty' 8)

Conclusion: summary, effects, recommendations, specifics for taking the dose .. anything that would be intresting for the other users to read, so please nothing futile or useless :D

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will enjoy this topic to it's fullest and that we reach the goal to make this a great place for beginners to gain a little bit of information WITHOUT getting scared :-)

Have Fun ! :-D

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Post by TheClashPunk »

You fucking cunt. Who do you think you are talking as if you're the admin or a moderator, you have no importance on this site just like me so i suggest you shut you'r arrogant mouth and sit quite!

Don't post "OMG This is scary" thats what gets a lot of views, so instead of looking from a hippy-point of life get real!

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Post by Hidalgo »

TheClashPunk wrote:You fucking cunt. Who do you think you are talking as if you're the admin or a moderator, you have no importance on this site just like me so i suggest you shut you'r arrogant mouth and sit quite!

Don't post "OMG This is scary" thats what gets a lot of views, so instead of looking from a hippy-point of life get real!

OMFG how old are you ? i'm trying to make something fun for a change and you're acting like you know it all ..

perhaps you should shut the fuck up ..

I still think that post count doesn't indicate how long i've been looking around on the site ..

... noob ...
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Post by TheClashPunk »

:lol: :lol:

Surely you're the noob seeing as you have 3 posts and By the way, I'm 17 and i'm not a "Kid" so you just contradicted yourself you stupid twat

"I don't know it all, that's why i keep asking qestions because ness and other people know it all Duhhh"

ANd lastly get over the word noob does being a "noob" make you inhuman. No so there you just wasted yourself again

LALALALALA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil:
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Post by Hidalgo »

TheClashPunk wrote::lol: :lol:

Surely you're the noob seeing as you have 3 posts and By the way, I'm 17 and i'm not a "Kid" so you just contradicted yourself you stupid twat

"I don't know it all, that's why i keep asking qestions because ness and other people know it all Duhhh"

ANd lastly get over the word noob does being a "noob" make you inhuman. No so there you just wasted yourself again

LALALALALA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil:
well if you're 17 which i am too you should just let it go ..

If you don't like it then don't post reactions ..
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Post by TheClashPunk »

I just wanted to get my point across. Simple really

OK sorry :cry: :cry:
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Post by Hidalgo »

TheClashPunk wrote:I just wanted to get my point across. Simple really

OK sorry :cry: :cry:
lol ok no biggie :lol:
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Seeing as i ruined your Post i'll start it!

Post by TheClashPunk »

Dose: Opium
Taken: 11PM

Condition: Dark room, pillow + eye shades and also very relaxed
Equipment: Usual + Use the "Reset" Dose which lasts 20MINS
Predicted Effects: Mild Euphoria + Numbness / painkilling
Length: 30Mins

10% - Nothing yet
20% - Thinking gets kind of "Frozen" weird i know!
30% - Nothing
40% - Left leg spasm!! jolting up and down a bit
50% - I can hear my pulse in my temples! (head)
60% - a rush of numbness in my left leg, no feeling!
70% - Mind trance, i feel like i'm in a cold tunnel paralized
80% - Just numbness but decreasing
90% - Dizzyness
100% - Just dizzy feelings

Overall: Most euphoric moment = 60-68%

Overview: a good dose seeing as it's the first one that has worked for me!

Effects: Numbness(full and partialy), Trance and load heart beat

Rating: 7/10 Give it a go
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Re: Seeing as i ruined your Post i'll start it!

Post by Hidalgo »

TheClashPunk wrote:Dose: Opium
Taken: 11PM

Condition: Dark room, pillow + eye shades and also very relaxed
Equipment: Usual + Use the "Reset" Dose which lasts 20MINS
Predicted Effects: Mild Euphoria + Numbness / painkilling
Length: 30Mins

10% - Nothing yet
20% - Thinking gets kind of "Frozen" weird i know!
30% - Nothing
40% - Left leg spasm!! jolting up and down a bit
50% - I can hear my pulse in my temples! (head)
60% - a rush of numbness in my left leg, no feeling!
70% - Mind trance, i feel like i'm in a cold tunnel paralized
80% - Just numbness but decreasing
90% - Dizzyness
100% - Just dizzy feelings

Overall: Most euphoric moment = 60-68%

Overview: a good dose seeing as it's the first one that has worked for me!

Effects: Numbness(full and partialy), Trance and load heart beat

Rating: 7/10 Give it a go
Great! Thanx :-D
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Post by Hidalgo »

French Roast
Time : 00.00h / 12.00 am

I wanted to try something fast and quick so I thought about French Roast. I dimmed the lights (I'm in the living room) and started the procedure.

During the Dose nothing much happend, just a little twitch in my eyes.

Afterwards no feeling whatsoever ...

Conclusion: Perhaps with other users it worked, but for me a complete waste of time :-(. Be very attentive during the Dose because it's short so much happens in a very short time of period.

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Post by Hidalgo »

Time: 00.45h / 12.45 am

So after I took a dose of reset I searched for something intressting. I found Vico, which I never tried, so I decided to give it a go. I dim the lights (living room again) and place myself comfortably in the bureauchair and kickstart in it :-D

During Dose
So the Dose starts and the sound is a low pitch, soft humming sound with plenty of static (white noise). It makes me very relaxed and i'm feeling a-ok :-). At around 45% the pitch heightens and things get intens. A weird pressing feeling on my arms as well as some light stinging in my fingers and legs. My minds-eye opens up and i start to see things (my eyes are still closed). I see a river in a crevasse which I fall into and I submerge and this repeats itself for a lot of times. Around 70% the pitch heightens again and this time it's an almost squeeling sound. During the rise of tone, cool things happen :-D. I start to feel lightheaded, things start to blur (the river is gone, replaced by a monotone purple), eyes start to move wildly and I lose my sense in fingers, toes, nose, ... Even a pleasurable feeling enterd my private area :P :oops:. The dose is ending and I get up to smoke a cigarette.

The Afterparty
So i'm in the kitchen, which is not too far away, and reach for my cigarettes. All of a sudden, I see a doghead sticking out of the door to the garden. At first it scared the living sh*t out of me :P but it was smiling at me, so I smiled back and when I turned back it was gone. Still now (the dose ended 15 minutes ago) I feel lightheaded and utterly vertigo. Also, I can't stop smiling when I see myself in the mirror :P

Conclusion: This dose is highly recommended for beginners because it's quite pleasurable :-D. This is also the first time a Dose has so much effect on me 8). This will definatly become one of my (and perhaps your) favorites :-D. This is a dose which I recommend to everybody :-D

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Post by TheClashPunk »

Thats amazing, Ha the dog head. What cigarettes do you smoke???

Vico is meant to be the best
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Post by TheClashPunk »

Dose: Marijuana
Length: 45 Mins

Conditions: Dimmed room taken at 3pm, in bed full equipment etc.

"PS, I have smoked Marijuana so i should get stronger effects"

10%- Nothing
20%- Nothing
30%- Shakes all over body (just like my first time with smoked weed)
40%- Relaxed feeling, sleepy
50%- Laughter, getting lowder too!! (just like real thing)
60%- Got up with the headphones on and my legs felt like jelly!!
97% - Weird, no strength to stand up i just collapse in my bed!! WTF


Overall: Some effects were similar to the real thing but i did feel a bit upset, never the less great experiance

Rating: 2.9/5 (**)
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Post by Hidalgo »

TheClashPunk wrote:Thats amazing, Ha the dog head. What cigarettes do you smoke???

Vico is meant to be the best
I smoke Camel =P

You smoke too ?

btw I didn't find Marihuana that good either ..
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Post by subway »

What the hell was that? You guys get in some huge argument about nothing, and then your friends in the turn of a post? hahaha. Funny.
Whats up bipolar? haha Anyway, i honestly try the trips that say "this is scary". I have never ever been scared out of my mind from idoser. And i dont belive it is all that easy. You have to be in a really suseptable mode going in to the dose if its going to be all that extreme. I have researched soooo much into idoser to the point where i know that it can work really well. But idoser does a lot of lying and covering shit up. It dosnt work exactly as they like you to think. it takes a lot longer and can have some negative affects in the long run.

In the end i love idoser. and i think its fun. I think everyone should do it and im not going to be a party pooper and say it dosnt work, because it dose. and it has potential to be fantastic...if you use it right.

The scariest trip ive ever gotten was from Peyote. That was fun.

The best, good feeling, i felt high for the next 2 hours, dose was genesis. ive gotten scores of the idoser doses to work. And I enjoyed those 2 the most.

Peace nikkas,

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