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Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:23 pm
by sidescrollin
So my friends got into this the other day. I came into my tv pro room and asked if they had just smoked cuz they sure were acting like it. After a short explanation i went to try it. 5 QHs of Mari and nothings.

Since then. Ive done:
3 Qhs of Acid
1 full Trip
1 Qh cocaine
1 Qh Trip
8 Qh Marijuana
1 Lucid Dream
1 Qh opium
3 French Roasts
2 Quick Happy
1 Qh Peyote.

After all those times
NOTHING has happened. All i get is a headache someimtes.
Ive used noise canaceling headphones, speakers, Earbuds, skullcandys. Ive dont it in my room laying down with NO light. Before going ot sleep. In the car. In class. Laying down in the dark in a class. sitting down with no light. And sitting down doing regular taks.
NOTHING has happened. I try my hardest to just sit there and focus on what sounds like my washing machine humming... and nothing.
My friends can Sit in class listening to speakers and get fucked up. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG. I WANT THIS TO WORK .

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:57 pm
by ethan1134
WEll, they probably have a crazy imaganation, or have never tried real substances before, or more likely both. Also if they have tried real drugs it can work better on a person.

You're doing everything right, you just gotta practice. Your brain has to accept the waves it's recieving, it's like you gotta break down a wall and your brain may be more resistant then most. so yeah, just practice, and it should work.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:39 am
by -steinz
If you got a headache, it means something's going on.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:10 am
by javiersorribes
By the way, car or speakers won't work... The only way your brain can get the waves is hearing them separate, i mean left ear hearing ONLY left channel and right ear hearing ONLY right channel. So... use only headphones, other stuff just won't do.

Also, it's better to lay in the dark, eyes closed. Make sure you relax completely before you start.

Keep trying!! The more practice you get, the better it gets.

Laying down in the dark in a class.
Man that is weird... classes are not what they used to be anymore...

Small minded

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:52 pm
by jfoxBrooklyn
dont be so small minded......I wont elaborate on this but just think outside the box, so to speak.
I bet if you really put your mind to it you'll transcend your objective 100 fold

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:02 pm
by Four Lucky Spades
If they're pirated mp3 then they won't work...

Not accusing you of anything, just saying that if you did pirated them, then they will not work good, if at all. If you didn't and bought them legit... try them when your neutral. That's all I can say.

Your friends?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:17 am
by Luke Anime
If you say your friends are getting fucked up from just listening to it with speakers... guess what ^_^ THEY'RE LIEING!!!!!

Its imposible to get ANY effects just listening with speakers.

You NEED good quality studio headphones, with STEREO output!!! Meaning, right side gives you the right channel, and left side gives you the left channel. NOT mono.

Your friends sound like they are trying to look cool by saying that they're "getting high" or something...

Try just lying on your bed, in the dark, NO distractions what-so-ever!!! Concentrate on the sounds, and NOTHING else. Dont think about anything but the sounds, and listen to it at a reasonable volume. Not quiet as shit, but ust a little more than you need.

Hope ive helped