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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:34 am
by Luke Anime
Im really curious as to why the i-doser admins havent posted any replies to this post. Basicly.. you made the guy cry because of lack of warning. I would really like to know, and im sure alot of other people would like to know, why the hell this dose doesnt come with a warning.

Ive done this dose with my friend.. we didnt stop when the sounds came on, just rode it out, but when the dose was finished we both did talk about how fucked up the sounds were, and how much they scared the shit out of us... and how it made my heart race like i was going to have a heart attack.. which brings me to a COMPLAINT!!!

I have a bad heart, and heart conditions run in my family. You really did almost give me a heart attack with this dose. If i knew they're was going to be a fucked up demented sound scaring the shit out of me, i probably woudlnt have done it.... but i guess you'll tell me i should have read the posted experiences first. OH WELL. Please reply i-doser. I want to know why there is no warning on this, or why im so "in the wrong" about this.


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 10:18 am
by Luke Anime

This was suposed to be a reply to a post i read about inhalant. Heres the link to that post ... t=inhalant

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:40 pm
by Magic
Idoser does put up a warning: ....It is highly recommended that you carefully read through all tutorials, FAQs, etc. supplied through both the I-Doser Application and I know that not a big one but Idoser cant keep explaining each dose entirely for certain sounds or effects that will take place.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:47 pm
by Luke Anime
Magic wrote:Idoser does put up a warning: ....It is highly recommended that you carefully read through all tutorials, FAQs, etc. supplied through both the I-Doser Application and I know that not a big one but Idoser cant keep explaining each dose entirely for certain sounds or effects that will take place.
I-Doser didnt have to put up warnings about sounds or noises for all the doses.. simply because, this is the only one that has an abrupt change in sound. For example, at the begining of some movies they advise people with epilepsy about the flashing lights, and even on some shows or movies, they advise those of the "faint of heart" to not watch because it can be jumpy... this was the most jumpy shit i ever experienced and it scared the hell out of me and ALOT of other people on here.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:55 pm
by repeldarkness11
Look, that sound gives you the effect, and you can't blame them for trying to give you the effect you wanted IN THE FIRST PLACE!

You want something soother, then get high listening to a waterfall.. If you want a great experience that will last you a few good minutes, come to I-doser.

(sorry about that, but you can't expect all binaural waves to be soothing and calm...)

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:40 pm
by thedoser
Sorry repeldarkness, but you're 100% wrong in this place. The whole point of using binaural entrainment is for meditation, i-doser just took this idea and tried to sell it to a larger demographic (the entire teenage population) by using marketing techniques and a different approach. Really though, the inhalant sounds aren't "normal" binaurals, i-doser is just using a glitch in the sbagen program (the software it's based on) to make demonic noises.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:30 pm
by repeldarkness11
Well, I was able to get all the way through it and it was a really strong dose, and it happened to hit me exactly when those noises came.. these are entertainment doses, not just for meditation...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:35 pm
by thedoser
The term is actually entrainment, but ya, they're really more of a novelty than anything, I mean, there's no possible way binaurals could mimic any drugs that they're claiming to (with the exception of coffee, minor antidepressants and sleeping medications). They won't get you high and they won't make you trip. Either you've done real drugs before so you know the trip/high and youre brain can get back into that state using these as an aid (but its a much less intense state than the original high/trip) or you've never done drugs and think youre tripping even though youre experiencing effects that youd get from closing your eyes and laying awake in bed for 30 minutes while listening to pink noise with (the relaxation, twitching, body heat, minor CEVs, "dreamy", floaty state after finishing).

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:42 pm
by repeldarkness11
The point is you feel something! If you came here to try to toss I-doser into the ground by posting on the forums "you get little or no feeling" then you are wasting your time... Not all but MOST imo feel the effects that are to their standards, they are able to get CEV's and a numbness that they enjoy...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:56 pm
by thedoser
Ya, I'm here to contribute to the community, but I'm just saying that most of the actual drug claims are false (claiming it'll mimic peyote for example, or a trip).

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:56 pm
by repeldarkness11
The names are just there to give you a hint of what kind of feeling it gives... some doses come VERY close to a weaker version of the drug, I do not believe it says anywhere on I-doser that it mimics the exact effect of the named drug. So I guess we are both wrong...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:39 pm
by ethan1134
ah i knew this is what was gonna happen once kr3wskater left! half of the people's arguemnts here are practically laugable.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:45 pm
by repeldarkness11
He was the authority figure to put stupid/ out of line people in their place. :P

edit: no, im not calling you stupid thedoser. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:53 pm
by sharperguy
I'm pretty sure inhalant is broken. There is no way that its effects are binaural.