Intraveneous Cocaine
Intraveneous Cocaine
On the scale of intensity for cocaine products it goes cocaine(snorting), crack, and injected cocaine. You guys made three layers of opiates starting with opium then heroin and morphine and the oxy and vico. So I think we the dosers are ready for the third tier of cocaine.
yes. that would be amazing. ive heard alot of intense things about intraveinious(sp) cocaine. ive heard its like- you feel like your surfing on a wave- and if you stop concentrating and fall off the metaphorical surf board, you die.
however- i would like to point out one thing- vicoden and oxycotin are NOT stronger than heroin. it is actually more like oxcotin, then vicoden, then opium, then heroin. i may be mistaken, and vicoden may or may not be stronger than pure opium.
however- i would like to point out one thing- vicoden and oxycotin are NOT stronger than heroin. it is actually more like oxcotin, then vicoden, then opium, then heroin. i may be mistaken, and vicoden may or may not be stronger than pure opium.