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Background Music helps

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:39 am
by striecx
Has anyone tried having music playing in the background?
At least on the euphoric doses It has helped me. Makes the dose more enjoyable, and less boring, I recommend trying it if all fails.

Tips that I use
- Control the dose volume and the BGM music volume levels well, sometimes you want to hear the dose more, sometimes the music more.keep the levels confortable to hear.

- Choose what sound to focus on (Just the dose and ignoring the music or Just the music and ignoring the dose). Sometimes it is posible to mentally block out the ignored sound, when that happens its awesome

- Try to feel the waves resonating and making your head and body vibrate.

- Try to choose music that goes along with the intended mood of the dose
( I'd advice to keep the music instrumental or electronic, because lyrics, rapping, and metal screams will break ur concentration)

- Close eyes and be in confortable position

Edit: - The background music works best if its playing from speakers not coming from the headphones, So Idoser's waves dont get distorted if headphones cant take too much audio saturation.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:32 am
by b0mbtrac
i did peyote (CD version) with the Tool song 10,000 (wings for marie part 2)

since the peyote is 15 minute and the Tool song is about 11 i started peyote then set a timer for Tool 4 minutes later.

The dose seemed more effective with the song, (bolding objects, green tint, and wavy walls.)

I think the song keeps you more alert and focused on the music.