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Sleep Angel/French Roast

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:28 pm
by XanXiantai
Sleep Angel was the first dose I ever tried (I am hesitant to try any of the drug based ones) and I normally have trouble sleeping at night due to Sleep Apnea, along with other issues. So the first night, I put sleep angel on with my crappy little 13 dollar headphones and had the best night sleep I had in a month.

The next day I decided to give french roast a try using the same junk headphones, and it worked very well, even to the point where I could smell coffee during it and for a short time after (two, maybe three minutes tops).

Since, I have gone out and bought a much nicer pair of headphones (Frequency Response : 5-24,000Hz ), and decided to try out French Roast again, once more I got very good results, along with a slightly longer lingering smell of coffee (closer to five minutes).

I really look forward to using sleep angel tonight with my new headphones.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:29 pm
by crystalsoul
its nice ot have good headphones :3