Lasting effects with LSD dose/hypnopompic hallucinations

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Lasting effects with LSD dose/hypnopompic hallucinations

Post by nobody1 »

Well I tried the LSD dose (I have a few times) and I lie down in bed, lights are off, just listening to the sounds. Now nothing really happened accept some open eye visuals, and this line on my ceiling, when I stared at it, would wave. Now its been about a month sense I have done the LSD dose, and I go to lie in bed, and I look up at the line, and I will see it wave still.

Its when the lights are off, (there's still a little light in the room). So my first question is, did the LSD dose actually cause the line to move? Or was it just the way the room is lit, when I look at the line, it will wave, (just my eyes playing tricks on me). But it never did this before, but then again, I never stared at a line before.

So can the LSD dose, in a way, cause flash backs? I guess that is what you would call this.

Second question is, I recently have been having hypnopompic hallucinations. This is when you are waking up from a sleep, you see things or hear things. This morning when I got up, I saw small people playing instruments on the bed in the other room (I know right?). I'm wondering if I doser can cause something like this. If anyone else has had this happen.

I really don't think it's I doser, but still, I want to check. Thanks.
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Post by Idosing »

That was actually always happening dude. Its an optical illusion that happens to me all the time (Maybe I need my eyes checked though)
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

i have hallucinations 2, sometimes randomly wen im not waking up -not sure wat could cause that besides my vision going from 20-15 to 20-80 in 1 year.. TOO MUCH PSTREEEEE!!
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Post by wild00side »

is your ceiling smooth or is it spackled?
becuase the shadows are like those weird optical illusions i get them too
its wierd
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Post by drunk-monk »

all of that is completely normal.
try to stare at one thing for as long as you can, and you will surely see hallucinations...

and with the waking thing - when one wakes up from a dream or deep sleep and it doesn't happen gradually [which rarely does] - the dream sort of continues for a little while. meaning - if you wake up fast and unexpectedly - you'll probably see something that isn't there.

but none of this is actually comparable to taking drugs and shouldn't be considered as "tripping balls" - which people often tend to assume.
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