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First trip, LSD + Peyote = HOLY SH!T

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:10 am
by krazzee
Wow, I was extremely skeptical about this program working at all, but I bought it because I have been wanting to do LSD again, but am getting tested by work, so sadly I can't :(

Anyway, I bought the program, some packs, and then got out my good sound-blocking headphones, turned off all the lights, put on LSD and layed down, at first I felt nothing, then I had amazing closed-eye visuals, and was seeing things with my eyes open too!

I finished LSD, then went outside and smoked a cig, I couldn't stop staring at my lighter flame and the cherry on my marb, I kept seeing it like open up and invite me in, I dunno how to explain it, but it was like 90% the trip that taking LSD was like, I was amazed to no end.

then I came back in, and saw peyote in my folder, and I just had to try it, I've never had the chance to in real life, so I just had to.

I Did the same routine, laid down and turned peyote on. Halfway through the ceiling to my room started flashing and changing colors,my hands looked like the most amazing thing in my life.

I am currently still on the trip from them, and I gotta say, this program is amazing. It really works. I can't stop tripping about my monitor lol, I can see the refresh rate on it out of the corner of my eye, and so many other things.

I'ma put on Hand of God, then Anesthesia :P, see how I go from there, maybe I'll even try Trip after those 2.

Anywho, back to my original point, if you are someone who is on the fence about this proggy, don't be. Buy it, get some good headphones, and prepare for an amazing experience!

(NOTES: I went into the first trip, LSD, with a somewhat closed mind, but also a hope and a knowledge of what LSD is like, and I believe having a good, relaxed, open mindset will probably make my next trips harder :D)

BTW I apologize if my spelling or grammar is off, I find it a wee bit hard to fully focus, though I consider myself a good speller, even while under the influence of something.

Any feedback is appreciated!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:48 am
by fredde_jason
Haha that sounded nice! Hehe, for your nowledge, LSD is out of your body 24h later so its no problem taking it :)

No pack contains Hand of God, and if you did try this first time, why did you buy the most expensive dose of all :eek:

Just some questions ;)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:48 pm
by brosef
Yeah, LSD is perfectly okay.
Also, it can't be detected in urine tests, it metabolizes into your spinal fluids and only stays there for up to 72 hours. The only thing that can detect it would be a spinal tap.