Answers Round 9

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Answers Round 9

Post by idoser »


I was wondering if the dose would still be able to work if I had my eyes open or if i could walk around my house, i probably wouldn't if i am high or drunk but still i might wanna not have my eyes closed.


The best results are often achieved with eyes closed, laying down, in a clam environment with no distractions. Results can be achieved with eyes open, as that is not a requirement, but you may find better results with them closed. Walking around your house may cause distractions that could effect the strength of the result.


Can I become addicted to I-Doser?


Not physically, that just isn't possible. You can mentally become addicted to anything. As with anything in life, use with moderation and be safe.


Hey we have a band setting up Called Arc Of History we have 4 released albums and coming out with another one me and our friends listened to your software and let me tell you it kicks ass so i said why not and sponsor you guys so with permissions can we put your logo and link on our cover based albums?

ANSWER: owns the trademark to the brand, so you can not use our logo, brand name, or anything related to the I-Doser company at all without explicit approval from I-Doser. That can not be supplied through the forum. Please email us direct to discuss marketing or sponsorship partnerships.


I think I am immune to binaural beats, because I have tried over 10 different doses (some about 2-3 times) and nothing...clearly nothing. I gave it to my friends we both did it in a proper way and they had much more positive experiences.Is there a way to make sure I am really immune or is there a way to make my experiences better(keep in mind i have done all the doses in a proper and controlled manner).


I would recommend you first make sure you are using approved brand doses purchased from us direct. 90% of the torrent downloaded doses are fakes, not properly manufactured or converted, or not related to our brand and level of quality. If you still can't achieve results, you can try the EXPERIENCE METHOD discussed in the I-Doser Guide available at Only a very small percentage of users are immune, so the odds are unlikely, but still possible.


I understand that Binural beats don't work if the person has one deaf ear. However, actually have one partially deaf ear. It means I can hear more treble in my left ear and the base is harder to pick up. I can still hear it a little. So, I'd say in all, I'm about 50-55 percent deaf. I obviously hear out of my right ear a lot better. In your opinion, do you think I-doser products will work? or do they only work if both ears are at almost the same level of hearing?


Your restricted hearing may prevent your from achieving the full results. If you were fully deaf, then there would be no chance since our douses work on a binaural method that requires both ears. Since you do have partial hearing, you should be able to achieve some effect.


I see that idoser is sponsering a few new products. Why are they doing this? Don't these companies rival your own?


I-Doser is the leader in binaural brainwave products - no company even comes close to rivaling us in the market. I-Doser does sponsor some companies that offer tangible products or services, and we only parter with organizations that have our same level of dedication and service that has made us the leader in this space. They do not rival us (nobody does), they just enhance our offerings.


Is there any reason to buy the long version of a dose if a QH is available? Would the longer version have longer effects or be more profound?


Some people get more pronounced results from our full doses, while some can get the same level of effects from a QH - we offer both and it is a personal preference and what works best for you. If you can't achieve effects from a QuickHit, we recommend you start with a full dose until you understand the experience, then move to a QH.


I and another user have been combining doses when another user told us that it would cause the hippacampus (sp?) to fire off too much and kill brain cells? Is this true?


Not possible - at all. I-Doser does not kill brainwaves. If fact, it stimulates them.


I'm new to I-Doser and I have a question about the frenquency needed for it to work correctly that i didn't find the correct answer yet: Does I-Doser work on a headphone with the frenquency of 20Hz~20KHz?


Yes, you can find the full list of I-Doser Approved and Tested headphones at We link to headphones to fit any budget that have been both tested and approved to work the best.


Is I-Doser safe to use if you have heart problems???


Not recommended as some doses can cause excitement. Please consult with your doctor.


I have a feeling what I am hearing is not what other people hear. When I load a dose, all I hear is white noise and a strange noise, almost like I'm near a generator.


This is correct - I-Doser plays tones (they sound more like tones than beats) that are mixed with a carrier sound of white noise that sounds like static. What you describe is correct.
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