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Torn from reality.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:21 am
by cameraboirzu
I'm a very experienced salvia divinorum user. I've reached a point of open eyed visuals many times and this isy strongest experience.

I was in a gold tunnel. I took 1 hit of 20x salvia from a makeshift pipe. My friend left the tunnel. I proceeded to exhale...

I started to feel the need to turn my head right. Then poof, I was gone. To the best of my knowledge I had never existed. It seemed like I was living in a dArk universe for forever, until I started to appear in a white room. Half of my vision was taken up from a waterwheel looking object that had abstract clown drawings on it was staring me in the face. I then became aware of my hands on my knees, how they were falling off, whenever the wheel turned my legs would slip, then get pulled back up. It felt as if my job in the universe was to keep my hands slipping.

I really cannot describe the feeling of being alone to everyone. You are the only one. I didn't know I was myself. I just knew to not let my hands slip. Eventually reality started to flash back, however I still was not under control, I was laughing uncontrollably, then crying and yelling. I didn't want to live my life this way. I came back finally.

Seriously. Wouldn't call it a bad trip. Wouldnt call it a good trip either.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:17 pm
by xcadaverx666
ive never done salvia before but i was with a group of friends at a kickback and one of them pulled out a vial of 20x salvia. i was already drunk and had smoked the sweet leaf so i decided to pass, the others decided to do it. everyone of them was content and in control it seemed but one, he described his expirence very differently from everyone else. "its like i took the hit, held it in, and as i released the smoke suddenly eventhing looked so alien to me, everyone around me i didnt know but they were all telling me it was going to be ok, he said i went up to him and personally told him that hes just tripping and everything would be ok, he also said we hugged for some reason. the trippy part is that after he took his hit he fell on the floor and started rolling around, nobody said a word to him during the trip, and the only thing that went up to him when he was tripping was my girlfriends english bull dog chief who started licking him in the face. similar expirences?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:10 pm
by cameraboirzu
xcadaverx666 wrote:ive never done salvia before but i was with a group of friends at a kickback and one of them pulled out a vial of 20x salvia. i was already drunk and had smoked the sweet leaf so i decided to pass, the others decided to do it. everyone of them was content and in control it seemed but one, he described his expirence very differently from everyone else. "its like i took the hit, held it in, and as i released the smoke suddenly eventhing looked so alien to me, everyone around me i didnt know but they were all telling me it was going to be ok, he said i went up to him and personally told him that hes just tripping and everything would be ok, he also said we hugged for some reason. the trippy part is that after he took his hit he fell on the floor and started rolling around, nobody said a word to him during the trip, and the only thing that went up to him when he was tripping was my girlfriends english bull dog chief who started licking him in the face. similar expirences?
The person rolling on the floor is the only one who actually felt the effects of salvia. It seriously grabs your balls.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:40 am
by TheGanjaMaster777
Salvia is for little children!!!! If u wanna real mans drug try Phencyclidine

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:43 am
by 420master
Ok if you want to know what getting fucked up beyond the walls of reality then check out my post tomorrow.
I packed my pipe with:
100x salvia
40mg of DMT
and toped it with one drop of sweet phencyclidine

its a long ass story so ill post how FUCKING RETARDED I got from that shit tomorrow... And no I did not die luckily haha

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:48 am
by 420master
TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:Salvia is for little children!!!! If u wanna real mans drug try Phencyclidine
Ay u dpne da sweet embalming fluid too??? its the shit aint it, AND IT HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:58 am
by TheGanjaMaster777
nahh man i dont do dat shit alone i mix it up like do it wit nitrous or some shit like that.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:04 am
by 420master
just do it alone it ruins da trip if ya dont (unless its combined with SOME CRAZY SHIT)

once I had an in depth conversation with my left thumb

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:42 am
by cameraboirzu
TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:Salvia is for little children!!!! If u wanna real mans drug try Phencyclidine
I'd be careful, salvia deffinitely has a bigger dick than you.
Even if the gradeschoolers make the youtube videos freakin out, its deffinitely NOT for kids.
TheGanjaMaster777 wrote:nahh man i dont do dat shit alone i mix it up like do it wit nitrous or some shit like that.
Because inhaling nitrous from a balloon you buy for $5 is really more adult than something thats been used for hundreds of years.
Don't we see it in the news all the time the elementary schoolers huffing paint, and sucking on those chemicals and end up killing themselves.
No, your right, salvia is for kids, no child in their right mind could go look for whip cream in their pantry. I mean, salvia divinorum grows like grass everywhere, kids find it all the time and smoke it with their peices; because pipes are for children too.

Whats next? Is heroin for children? :P

Torn from reality

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:11 am
by Randalllsak
Fruits look similar but Im sure it cannot be the same species. Theres a chance its some other species from the genus Morus - Ill try to investigate it. Thank you

Re: Torn from reality.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:41 pm
by killapoppy
Sounds really cool :D