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My Experience Log

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:15 pm
by Kryptonite x3
So.. hey what's up? :D

Firstly I must say I LOVE this.. I-Doser, that is. I got a bunch of my friends into it and they love it, too. So now I'm going to share some of the doses I tried out.

This one was interesting. I just got home from my class and I was dead exhausted; like I just wanted to lie down and be lazy. So after my mom left for work, I decided to give this one a try. I felt myself falling asleep throughout the dose when BAM! I was wide awake and alert. But before I "woke up" I saw a brief vision of a man with green stuff all over his face and it looked as if he was screaming in pain. But that was the only vision I had. Other than that, my head twitched a bit and my hands and arms got real cold.. but that was it. I didn't see experience any other major side effects, except when I had my eyes closed, I could see dark green. If anything, I was awake and not even close to wanting to sleep unlike how I felt before the dose.

Orgasm -
Started it, but never finished it. Got bored.. hah.

MultipleO -
Had several effects every time I tried it. Obviously I experienced multiple orgasms, but nothing too fancy or noticeable. At one point I started breathing really heavily and my whole body grew hot, my palms starting to sweat.

QuickHappy -
Oooh, I definitely loved this one! :D I was pretty upset one day because it's been two weeks since I last saw my boyfriend and none of my friends ever want to hang out anymore [most of my friends are still in high school]. I decided to try this dose out to maybe brighten up my mood.. and damn, it worked. At first I sat here feeling nothing changing.. then all of a sudden a warm feeling of happiness spread throughout my body and I felt the corners of my lips twitch and form a smile, which soon forced myself to start grinning. At the end of the dose, I giggled on and off and I couldn't tear that smile away from my face. I totally had forgotten how upset I was beforehand.

PeyoteQH -
Oh boy! I also loved this one. I went over my friend's yesterday where he had a sort of get together going on, and I suggested we have them try out I-Doser. So we all went up in his room to test it out. We all tried out a drug each. The environment and set-up was perfect because we had a pair of good quality headphones with the volume up pretty high, lying down on the floor with a pillow, and blindfolded. I won't go into detail of what they did, except when it was my turn where I picked PeyoteQH. So I lay there, and at first I felt nothing as usual then my right eye twitched a bit. A bit further into it, my hands, which were at my sides palms touching the floor, flipped over so my palms were facing up. My left hand started twitching rapidly on and off the rest of the dose, and my right hand did it once. I also felt my throat get a bit dry, too. Then at the end, my left eye twitched. I took off the blindfold and the headphones and tried to sit up.. but I just couldn't. My one friend had to help me up where she put me on my friend's bed where I instantly fell right on my back. My arms felt like jelly and I could barely move them. I also slurred whatever I was saying, and I could barely finish any sentences. I stammered a lot, too. And when my friend gave me my glasses to put back on, I grabbed them with such little effort to the point that I could have easily dropped them. My other friend held his hand up to give me a high five, and I did it with a lazy attempt. And when I sat up, he thought it'd be funny to slightly poke me and when he did, I instantly started falling to my side where he had to grab me and prevent me from falling. Not to mention I had a MASSIVE laughing attack for no reason. One of my friends said something funny and I burst out laughing and couldn't control myself. And every little thing following it made me laugh for no reason, like when my friend did weird hand motions, I laughed insanely. And when he showed me another friend's phone, I again laughed pretty intensely. They pushed me down on the bed and threw a sweater over me and eventually the dose wore off. I must say.. that was pretty hilarious. Any one else had such a crazy experience with this one?

Out of Body QH -
Meh. Didn't really work. I sat down doing it and all that happened was my head tilted forward as if it weighed 100 lbs and my arms fell flat at my sides and they got really cold. That was it really.

Inspire -
I needed inspiration to help with a Powerpoint project I had to do so I tried this out. Didn't help me at all.. the most I felt like doing was to play a musical instrument.

I'm having trouble remembering what else I tried.. but regardless, I'll be back with more. Any suggestions for what I should try next? ^_^

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:53 pm
by Bloodbane424
AnesthesiaQH and MarijuanaQH, those are my current favorites. Also if a dose didn't work for you, you might want to try it a few more times, becauses doses may not always work the first time.

Wonderful experiences btw. Really well written.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:59 pm
by Kryptonite x3
It's been a while. o_0

And thanks. ^^

I've tried out a few more during the past month.

Brain+QH - Bored one day, so I tried this one out. After finishing the dose, I didn't really feel different.. but then a few minutes later, I felt 'inspired' and decided to do my homework for my one class [and it wasn't due for a long while, cause it was during winter break xD]. I guess I know which dose I'll be going to when I need homework to be done.

CocaineQH - I can't really remember this one.. I think the only thing was that I just felt more awake. I'll have to try this one again.

First Love - Near the beginning, I felt all warm and tingly inside. The corners of my mouth twitched and I formed a smile for a brief moment. I also remember my palms getting sweaty and my heart racing. Might've experienced butterflies, too.

Hand of God - I can't really say much about this one. I didn't see any crazy visuals or the like. All that majorly happened was that my hands were twitching like crazy. For a while at one point, my right fist was clenched and my toes were curled. Then I felt my body lift, as if I were floating. My hands were wide open, and I felt the muscles in my legs and arms grow tight. I def. need to try this one again and see if I can get any visuals this time. The only after effect was that I felt like I wanted to cry, for no reason, too.

HashQH - I honestly can't remember this one. I think all that happened was that I felt more "alive" and happier.

MarijuanaQH - Felt normal up until the pitch drastically changed and the so-called "demon noises" took effect. I honestly got frightened by the noises, but I chose to get used to them.. which I'm glad, because I started feeling the "high" effects. That was neat. I had such a huge headache afterwards, though. And I felt really laid back, like I just wanted to stay locked up in my room all day. Which I did.

NitrousQH - Only effect I had was loss of dexterity. I opened up Notepad and randomly started typing, and it was so weird because I made SO many errors and didn't bother going back to fix them. I'll do this one again and type something up and save it to share. xD

PeyoteQH - Yes, I did this one again. :P My friend had his laptop on him at a New Year's Eve party that we went to [where we all stayed up till 6 AM taking turns using I-Doser, haha] and I wanted to show my friends that've never heard of the program to see what it can do. Like last time, I got the same effects. Felt dead weighted, slurred speech, laughing at everything and anything that was said to me. At one point, another friend of mine ran over [after they all threw me on the couch] and asked what her name was, and honestly I WANTED to say it and it was at the tip of my tongue, but I blurted out random babble instead, lol. Love this dose..

Sleeping Angel - Didn't really work. Need to try it again.

TripQH - Also nothing.

And that be all. :] I made a list of ones I wish to try out, so hopefully that'll be fun. Also, any tips on how to get closed and open eye visuals? I haven't experienced any [aside from the random, brief one while trying LSD].

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:38 pm
by skatekid24
i hate to be that guy, but when you did Hand of God, did you actually use the $200 dose?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:57 pm
by Bloodbane424
skatekid24 wrote:i hate to be that guy, but when you did Hand of God, did you actually use the $200 dose?
People don't really like being asked that question. If he torrented it I don't think he would admit it on the forums anyway.

Nice experiences OP. Most people freak out at the marijuanaqh static part and throw their headphones off, but that's the part that gets you high. ;O

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:29 pm
by skatekid24
Has anybody done inhalant here? It's freaky! The static is way worse than marijuana. It's not even static, it's more like wierd alien noises. I took my headphones off when I first listened to it.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:31 pm
by skatekid24
And yeah, i know people don't like that question, I just think that if they don't have the real dose, they shouldn't post experienes

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:55 pm
by Bloodbane424
skatekid24 wrote:Has anybody done inhalant here? It's freaky! The static is way worse than marijuana. It's not even static, it's more like wierd alien noises. I took my headphones off when I first listened to it.
When I did inhalant shit got pretty crazy. It's like I could feel the things around me were alive, at one point my floor looked like it was breathing, and it's like having your mind on a roller coaster. It was crazy...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:42 pm
by Kryptonite x3
Firstly, I'm a chick. XD

Secondly, I listened to GoH on a friend's laptop so I'm not sure what his status is on that. ><

Thirdly, I have no intentions of trying out Inhalent, haha. I've heard so many crazy stuff on that. The static scared me enough with MarijuanaQH. :/

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:10 pm
by skatekid24
yeah, the static is way weirder. way more freaky. i still haven't gotten around to finishing it. but i heard its an awesome dose

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:20 pm
by HellzMessiah
Bloodbane424 wrote:
skatekid24 wrote:i hate to be that guy, but when you did Hand of God, did you actually use the $200 dose?
People don't really like being asked that question. If he torrented it I don't think he would admit it on the forums anyway.

Nice experiences OP. Most people freak out at the marijuanaqh static part and throw their headphones off, but that's the part that gets you high. ;O
chyea dude i read about it before i did it so i was like expecting it but i had no idea what it was actually like. then after it was over i was laughing cuz it scared the shit out of me. gota love that marijuana haha

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:00 am
by TwisteD31
easier way, if your bored of orgasm, call your boyfriend, if not, PM me :)

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:01 pm
by Kryptonite x3
Nice try, bud. >.> A boyfriend no longer exists, anyway, haha.

Tried out Masochist last night. That was neat. I felt my arms and legs go numb, then I started getting turned on mid-way through it. Near the end, I felt like someone was poking me with a sharp needle on my fingertips, neck, arms, back, and ankles. Afterwards, I got up.. but I ended up laying back down, haha. My arms felt really weak and I just felt so sedated. Def. another one of my favs.

Planning to retry Inspire again 'cause I have two different writing assignments to tackle. This'll be fun. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:04 pm
by Hayabusa
Well, I thought GoH was the worst dose, but it was nothing compared to Inhalant, I thought I'm gonna die when i was listening to it lol, gonna have another shot soon.