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Hold Old Are You Guys???

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:11 pm
by Blue_Crayon
From the posts i see it seems everybody on this site is like 12-15 years old....

How old is everybody...and please be honest, im just curious....

but i still wish there was an adults only section of the interweb.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:07 am
by nwa
im 19 and i agree theres like 10 year olds on here that act immature sometimes, dont do drugs if you cant handle ya self lol ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:49 am
by jwbbphoenix
I'm a 16 year old student, but without trying to exaggerate myself, I consider myself mature enough to treat both the I-Doser program and the forum with adult respect.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:42 pm
by Unnamed

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:37 pm
by Vincspenc
13 :-( . I hate it when *mature* *adults* say they want their part of the internet. Next thing is you'll be thinking up a plot on how to get us off all the computers and internet :? . Anyway don't forget there are some maturer young folks out there. Some people on forums thought I was like 25 or sumfin so yeah people can't exactly call me the inmaturest person.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:38 am
by Ch
16 years... I see no problem that 13 year old kids hang around here... Remember; U've also been a child, wanting to join the crowd :)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:16 am
by Vale
13 BUT
I have the grades of a grade 3 high school student.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:47 pm
by Pants
Twenty years old... two years into college... what can I say?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:15 pm
by -Almost
15 Years. Id say I treat the Binaural Brainwave theory with much needed respect, since all of those who don't believe like to bag on us, and I-Doser.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:07 am
by milo
am i the oldest one here i am 31 married with 2 kids

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:56 am
by Warlord

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:10 pm
by Atlas
17, thought there were more of mature people here, a lot of young kids trying to get high.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:47 am
by Vale
milo wrote:am i the oldest one here i am 31 married with 2 kids
congragulations to you, congragulations to you, congragulations to milo
but we don't care about you

nah, jk lol

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:31 pm
by milo
i can tell you are 13 vale

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:34 pm
by -Almost
I always thought nwa was 9.

No offense but I judge peoples maturity and age on the way they speak and type.

A little surprised to find out nwa is 19.