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n00b question - I'm kinda afraid

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:49 am
by blagus
Hi. I would like to try the astral projection so I checked this section and I read some threads, and I 'started to' understand this thing. Once I also watched about AP on TV.
But I'm a bit afraid: I read that many people see some people, or spirits coming to them, through the walls and everything, and that part REALLY scares me. After some thinking I got an idea that these 'people' are actually astral bodies that I should get into. Am I getting it right? Who are they?

Also, I mentioned that TV show about AP, and I hope that you can explain me this: they said that AP is used to "learn", "teach others", "others to teach you", and that you "shouldn't abuse it because your life can get really bad, you may loose friends......................." - can you explain me this?

And, what should I expect (although "AP is subjective" so answer to this may not be even close to what can I experience).

Re: n00b question - I'm kinda afraid

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:18 am
by mrfourtysevenman
try watching this video of beings people see in astral projections.
i could not watch it because some images are scary and the music does not help so mute it and put on eminem or something.
the 5 images will scare you but if you show no fear you will have a good chance of lowering seeing them.
here are some questions.
do you eat a lot of raw fruit and vegetables?
are you a positive person?
are you sober and not a drug addict?
are you healthy?
do you hang around with positive people?
can you kick your fears in the ass?
if so, you should be fine.