Think I'm getting somewhere.

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Think I'm getting somewhere.

Post by sokaroka »

Just looking for tips/sharing what I've done.

Don't say I should have searched, I've spent a few hours on here solely reading through threads.

15 years old - male.

I got the program yesterday, skeptical, but hopeful.
Bought Marijuana and the QH one, cocaineQH, Nitrous and Quick Happy.
Since yesterday I've done CocaineQH once, no results, quick happy once, no results.
These were both within a couple of hours of getting the program.

Marijuana I haven't had time for yet.
MarijuanaQH - Tried this several times, the first time I was laying in bed, no noise at all, but got nothing, was finding it hard not to wander off in though also.
Second time I got cut off about halfway through.
Third time, about 20 minutes ago, when the static in the middle came I got quite a big ripple through my body, sort of like pins and needles and those similar to a shiver down your spine when you hear nails on a blackboard, but through my whole body, I would have to say it was quite pleasant.
However none of the happiness or creative stuff :(
This however was in a well lit room, with distractions like TV and dogs, just had my hands covering my eyes, and was sitting in a half half comfortable position.

Nitrous - I've done this about 3 times as well.
2 times yesterday - first time I got nothing, second I just smiled once.

Earlier today, did it for a third time.
I smiled twice between 3-8 percent then produced a tiny chuckle at about 10 percent.
10-50 percent is meant to be the main bit where you feel happy/laugh but nothing happened after 10 percent at all.

Quick happy was the second thing I tried, and got nothing.

Will try more and post results.

Just wondering if any of you know if I may be growing used to the program/sounds, therefore getting better results...just a thought.

Any tips are thanked for :)
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

Try just listening to it and not going through the whole perfect lying down closing your eyes concentrating thing. It may actually work better because you're not worrying about it working.
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Post by sokaroka »

I'm actually listening to one now.
I've tried just letting it play and sorta half forgetting about it while surfing the net, or walking my dogs or something, reading even, but get nothing.
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Post by Gamerexe »

When I first got the trial, I was using alcohol and to some extent it worked but for some reason near the end, it felt all placebo. Then again, I was on the net.

I've tried the following so far with minimal to zero results.

- Oxy: I fell asleep because it was pretty long and I awoke just near the end and I felt drowsy and dis-placed, most likely from the nap.

- MarijuanaQH: Tried this at the computer, I threw off my headphones when ti started crackling, thought my headphones were breaking, lol.

Try Condition first to get you in the mood set then try the others.
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Post by rapidfire187 »

I've tried several of these, and I'm convinced that it only "works" for people that have never done real drugs. I haven't completely given up yet, and I'll be trying like hell to make it work in a few months when I have to go through drug court (thus meaning I can't smoke weed).
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Post by duckysaurus »

rapidfire, don't worry, it can work for almost anyone, just don't doubt it.
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