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First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:09 pm
by NigTiMare
Well, hey.

I tried White Crosses few hours ago and this is a little story about it.
First, I turned a light off, started the dose and went laying on my bed closing my eyes.
I started after, maybe, after 10 minutes to feel, that my hands were like... I don't know how to describe it. The feeling was a little bit, surprising first.
After a while, I started to feel little bit... "horny" if thats the right word, good feeling, you know.
I felt like I was falling a little bit more and more into some kind dream, yes, I don't even know what I were thinking, because after a while, I saw someone spitting at me and after that, I became back to reality.
I don't exactly know, what happened, but somehow it really felt like I fell asleep. I cannot really remember what I experienced, because I heard when the dose end, but I just couldn't do anything. After a while I "woke" up and I was zippy. I didn't feel anything after that, nothing else than joy. I went to take the rubbish out, everything was just so "great" for me. I liked the dark grey sky, I like the fresh, cold air...
But still, I'd would like to remember something about my experience, if anything really happened.

I have heard that this is a pretty hard dose, but for me, it was a soft, for first time. Maybe next time, it gives me some more.

7/10 for now.

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:35 am
by PowerOn
It was also hard for me to distinguish wether I was in a dream, or not. I also couldn't recall much of my experience. But I know one thing; It was unexplainable, but amazing.

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:39 pm
by Tyrulan
The experience you describe sounds more like what you would have felt while meditating. I suggest you try again, because this dose can be very intense!

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:22 pm
by Th3_uN1Qu3
Just don't fall asleep on it... Or if you do, be prepared, it'll be a wild ride.

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:11 pm
by dtastatus
Is this dose a nice dose or an evil dose? I've been wanting to try it but I can't tell if its a calm or average type of dose or if it's more of a scary or intense one? It sounds like its nice at first then gets evil? idk exactly how to say it but yea?

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:18 pm
by Tyrulan
From I-Doser's description:

White Crosses
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our
monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said.
OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and
intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels
they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness
quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the
experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we
put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This
underground bastard-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned
out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses.

This one is fun !

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:08 pm
by dtastatus
I read the description but this is the part I don't get:
"The sensation of mind-expansion and openness
quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the
experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users."

I just wanna know from others experiences.

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:41 am
by Th3_uN1Qu3
Just do it and you will see. It doesn't have any scary noise or anything, but it can be VERY effective. In the entertaining or scary way, depending on your mood.

Re: First White Crosses exprerience

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:28 am
by NigTiMare
I'm going to try it second time today I think. I got finally some free time so what would be the better way to spend it than listening to White Crosses...
Anyway, I'm going to post the another experience later today, maybe at night.