I-Doser Categories

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I-Doser Categories

Post by dtastatus »

Hey, I've been looking for a way to organize my i-doser sounds for my iPod for my mom. I want to categorize them in a way of like "intense" or "drugs" or like "relaxing" etc... Like she likes calmer ones and I figure while I do it I might as well do all of them? Is there a list anywhere on what type of category each dose would be?
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by wackowillie »

Your mum does them too? Awesome! :eek:

The way i did it for my ipod was:

In Itunes, Go to the Doses and right click and click "get info"
To to the Info tab and type "I-doser" in to the "artist" form and the type, Eg: "Trips" or "Relax" into the album title.
When you sync it, "i-doser" will be the artist, then you select the album/Type of dose, then the dose you want! :mrgreen:

TIP: Use CTRL + Select or Shift + select to high light multible doses. You can change multible ones all at the same time, Just remmember to only tick Artists/Album, Not title, You dont want them named the samething! :D
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by sam123486 »

My entire family is high right now. :wink: We all turned the volume up on highest and spent an hour and a half dosing it out on 2 fulls and a lot of quick hits together. We have surround sound on our PC so we decided, "saturday night dose day". On my PC, I also have my doses organized.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by Tyrulan »

You cannot achieve the effects of binaural beats without the use of headphones..

It's all in the science. Your left ear cannot hear the frequency meant to be played in the right ear, and vice versa.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by sam123486 »

I have a subwolfer and high def speakers and we put them in between us and they have it so that they can play out of each side. It works, trust me.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by Tyrulan »

I've played the sound through the speakers.

You can only hear the binaural beat, and no carrier frequency. You cannot achieve an oscillating system in this manner, and therefore entrainment will not occur.

This will not work so don't waste your time.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by sam123486 »

Tyrulan wrote:I've played the sound through the speakers.

You can only hear the binaural beat, and no carrier frequency. You cannot achieve an oscillating system in this manner, and therefore entrainment will not occur.

This will not work so don't waste your time.
I have an HD Stereo Speaker Set. With surround sound.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by Tyrulan »

Clearly you do not understand how the process works.

You are experiencing a placebo effect.
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Re: I-Doser Categories

Post by kidrauhl »

Sam123486, you don't understand how binaural beats work. It is physically impossible to achieve the effects of I-Doser without using headphones. It doesn't matter if you have the most hi-def surround sound speaker system in the world--it's not the quality we're worried about, it's the fact that binaural tones played through a speaker set will not reach your eardrums in isolation from each other, and therefore the oscillation effect of the carrier frequency will not occur in your brain. Having a surround sound system actually makes it worse, since the entire principle of binaural tones is that there are exactly two channels, one for each ear.

Next time you try it with your family, use a headphone splitter and give each of you your own pair of earbuds/headphones. Then you can experience the actual effects of binaural tones, while still keeping all of you in synchronization. Keep trying!
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