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I need help with this!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:38 pm
by schubes1232
Ok so i cant get this to work. Surprise huh? You guys see this 99 % of the time on this forum probably. But seriously i really want this to work. First i tried cocaine qh but i could only get a slight vibrating feeling in my body but no after effects. I kept trying to get it to work fully but it wont. Then i tried Nitrous which is the fastest working but i got zero effects. I first tried to use turtle beach head sets which sorta worked for the cocaine qh but idk what the frequency range is. Then i tried these ear buds which have a frequency range of 30 hz to 20 khz. All im asking from you guys is tips on usage, doses to try, and head phone tips. help will be really appreciated.

Re: I need help with this!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:25 am
by Jakvortex
Dear Schubes 1232:

That may be a common question but it is a very good one at that and you have come to the right place to get it answered. I shall give you a list of steps for the perfect dose and follow throughs to ensure perfect post dosage side effects. Now:

1. Your number one problem involves this: your earphones are 30 to 20000 hz, most doses require headphones with 5 to 30000hz and is noted, OR a simple 20 to 20000hz headphones will work. I use pioneer M-3290s and they only costed me 70 dollars at future shop NOW. Most doses are simple 20 to 20k as stated before but you will not be able to listen to doses such as alpha gamma and beta.

2. You must find a comfortable place to be (preferably laying down)
3. You must not be doing anything else as your mind will be occupied and CANNOT concentrate on the frequences.
4.You should be in a dark room and if u cant be just simply put a blindfold over your eyes and bam, instant dark
5. Do not concentrate on the dose, try to sleep or simply count your breaths; whatever you decide concentrating on the dose will alter your brainwaves and you wont be able to feel it as great
6. You may think about things but do NOT ignore the dose. Recogniz\e its there but dont concentrate on it :P confusing but easywhen you do it.
7. Try not to move your body, if reaching a relaxed state the dose will come easier

Post Dose:
1.Lay there for several minutes and allow your body to slowly unrelax, quick jumping up will alert your mind and the dose will not as easily set in
2.To see if doseworked our not walk around and try to touch your toes :P lame but if you wanta know just try.
3. PROMOTIONAL ITEM: Condition is a 3.00 i-doser sales item which eases your mind and allows doses to sink in. Users using condition notice a 10 percent increase in effects after using.

Thats a step by step guide to fun and practical Dosing, have fun.

From, Jakvortex

Re: I need help with this!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:56 pm
by owlmaid
I agree with everything that person said above, it's all really important. I also find it easier to I-dose when I'm tired because I'm thinking about less stuff and I can concentrate more on the dose. When I first started I-dosing I tried the 10min, 15min ones because I thought I couldn't stand having to lie still for half an hour, which I can't tell but maybe that's how you feel, but when you get into the dose the time flies.
It depends on what you want to experience, but some good ones are LSD, Morphine, A-Bomb. Anesthesia is fun too, I think everyone should try that one at least once. Good luck and happy dosing!