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cant do it!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:03 am
by help
i need help i tried every possible method and i just cant do it! I downloaded i-doser astral projection but it didn't do a shit to me so i bought another sound not from i-doser company. With it i did get some effects i fell asleep listening to it and after few minutes i felt strong vibrations. I tried to get out by phantom wiggling, imagining my self float, to pull my self up the rope.... But nothing didn't work and soon vibrations stooped. After that i tryed many times and some times i get small vibrations like electricity in my body but its not same as then. I cant pass that stupid vibration stage can anybody help me????

Re: cant do it!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:46 pm
by Veryala
This sounds counter-productive, but it works for me every time. I haven't heard of a lot of others who do it this way, though, so it may not work with everyone.

When you're in the vibrational state, imagining yourself leaving apparently doesn't work - so stop imagining, and just do it. When I am in that state, I just get up and walk away from my physical body. At first, it feels like I am physically getting up, and sometimes I'm not sure I'm even projecting until I start flying around or something like that. It feels like I'm physically getting up, but I'm not.

I recommend beginning by trying to move an arm. Just lift up your arm, and pass it in front of your face if you can. If you see a brightly colored arm moving in front of your face, you haven't regained normal consciousness, or you seem to have a dual-awareness with that arm and the physical arm that is still lying on your bed - you've just moved your astral arm. Now you can get up and go.

I hope this helps. You might also not be focusing enough on the visualization techniques; full concentration is ideal. If you do all the right things and try different techniques and still can't do it, you might have an energy deficit, which basically just means you're sleep deprived. If you haven't been getting a full 8 hours every night, you need to - it's very difficult to project while sleep deprived. Even if you do get vibrations, the lack of energy can keep you from leaving your body.

Re: cant do it!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:01 pm
by help
Ok thanks. I mostly try to astral project when i go to sleep or when i am tired. Its easiest time for me to feel vibrations because when i try to listen to that sound when i am not tired i just keep full consciouses and i dont get vibrations. It happens to me a lot times that i fall a sleep but i just cant make it if i am not tired. I will try that method tonight if i get vibrations. One more question i bought two doses one is called astral projection and the other one i Out of body. Which one is better? Whats the difference?

Now one question about Lucid dreams.

I bought lucid dreams dose but i just cant get any effect. listen to it right before sleep and sometime i fall a sleep while listening to it but i never get lucid dream.