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Speedball, Chloroform and First Love

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:40 pm
by hopesdead
I have done speedball twice and both times have yielded different experiences. My first time I was doing it in my car. I had been laying in my seat in such a position that tweaked my neck. At first I felt the stimulation of the cocaine and then it faded into the heroin which was soon trailed by the morphine (the pain in my neck was now gone by this point). I tried driving a few minutes later but I stopped to get some air cause I didn't feel right. Today was my second try (on my bed this time) and I experienced that binaural overdose the dose description talks about. I remember feeling the heroin during the dose and then I passed out. I woke up an hour after the dose was finished.

As for chloroform, all that it did was make my body go numb. It felt crazy.

The next experience is not my own, but of a friend. I recently introduced a female friend to binaural beats. So for her first try I had her do the iPhone app version of First Love. Her heartbeat was crazy fast for the good part of the next few hours. She had me touch her chest and her heartbeat was very fast. Later she could feel a heartbeat in her stomach. I have to ask, is it possible to feel sick after your first time? About two hours after the dose she was feeling very sick. I myself have never felt sick after a dose so that is the reason I ask.

Re: Speedball, Chloroform and First Love

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:38 pm
by ForSyt
I'm pretty sure this Idoser stuff delves into spirituality, and I've always heard women are more sensitive to these kinds of things.

Example: My friend and I were visiting this supposedly haunted place and the female really started to feel sick, we later asked my friends sister who has been a wiccan or something like that for years and she said females and young children react more and things along that line. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is what I know.

Re: Speedball, Chloroform and First Love

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:34 pm
by hopesdead
What does spirituality have to do with any of the doses I mentioned?

Re: Speedball, Chloroform and First Love

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:08 am
by Zukamimotu
Spirituality is a big part of anyone's system of beliefs. Anyone majorly into a religion will have better results because the manipulation of the mind has a lot to do with what you believe. For example, I did Divinorum. I am in training to become a Wiccan priest. I thought I had actually met a few of my gods and goddesses. I have a friend who is very Christian. He follows Christ's teachings to a dime and he tried divinorum (after a huge amount of convincing from yours truly that it would not harm him).

My friend claimed to have sat before his god, Yaweh, while I sat before one of my goddesses, Hera. As you can probably discern, our dosing yielded wildly different results, mostly due to our religious and spiritual beliefs. Of course, that's not something that always happens. Someone who does the Cocaine dose probably won't yield very different results than someone with a different religion. Also, remember that there are varying degrees of spirituality. Both my friend and I are very devout in our beliefs, albeit different. Someone who is slightly atheist and someone who is slightly Christian may have similar, but still different results.

Tl;dr: Things like the hallucinations, effects, and all around effectiveness of the dose can be altered by maintaining different beliefs or even being less open minded than someone else simply because of what you believe or how willing you are to accept things.