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ADHD and iDoser?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:16 pm
by amantonas
I have ADHD, I was diagnosed when I was 7. I used to take medicine for it, which would help me focus, but it would make me really anti-social and completely kill my appetite. So I stopped, and I can break through the distractions enough to get As and Bs at school.
My question is: Could my hyperactivity/attention deficit be affecting the way I interpret these doses? I feel like when I am listening to these, my mind wanders really far off, and then I'll all of a sudden snap back into the dose. Is there a specific way you are supposed to concentrate on them or anything?

Re: ADHD and iDoser?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:10 am
by Sabnock1990
Hey there man, my name is Chase and i have ADHD as well. Was diagnosed when i was about 2 or 3 and i am now 21. First thing is first, never take pharmaceutical medications for ADHD, i found this out the hard way and been on pretty much all stimulants/non-stimulants, anti-depressants and anti-psychotics... It's a nasty and dirty road to go down and WILL NEVER effectively or safely treat your ADHD. I for one have found Marijuana to be the most effective and most safest treatment for ADHD. Specifically Sativa strains, but only Indica strains at night to help goto sleep. Sativa pot strains bring focus, concentration, altered perception, gives you energy and really really does help with everything ADHD wise.

Moving on to I-Dosing though. Yes, ADHD does significantly impact being able to i-dose seeing as how concentration and focus along with relaxation, is really hard to accomplish with the natural impulses stemming from ADHD. Now, I'm not advocating drug use, although Marijuana is just a plant, but if you were to smoke a bit of weed before dosing, you will be able to slow down, relax and concentrate.

But don't just take my word for it, ADHD treatments have been highly misunderstood and the traditional methods of treatment for ADHD are uncalled for and dangerous. Using Marijuana for my ADHD has been the BEST thing of my life. My parents are even glad i started smoking because now i'm energetic, i love learning new things, i can express myself a bit better, i'm not hyperactive, i'm not destructive or aggressive, and i really don't mind doing chores haha.

But other than that, your 2nd choice would be self-hypnosis or meditation techniques, which i can already tell you now, is almost impossible without pot for an ADHD person lol.

Re: ADHD and iDoser?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:16 pm
by owlmaid
I've never been diagnosed, though I've had doctors argue about whether or not I have ADHD before, at any rate I have a pretty severe concentration issue. I have the same problem with doses. I do the same thing, my mind wanders, then I kind of snap back. It's gotten a little better over time and practice, but some days I just don't focus well and the dose isn't as good. Now that I'm more experienced the dose will work a little no matter what, but it's not always as intense as I would have liked.
My advice would be to do kind of "simple" doses at first. I don't mean stay away from the "Strong" or "VERY STRONG" what I mean is search the forum for some good beginner doses, because likely those are the ones you need less concentration to do since they're for beginners. It depends on what you're looking for, but here's a few I think might be good: Absinthe (if you feel like creativity,) Marijuana, Morphine, Demerol. There are others, those are the few I can think of right now.
As for helping concentrate, you want to try to concentrate on the beats if you can. If you find your mind is wandering too much, try counting backwards from some big random number, like 386 or 583 or something like that. Try to listen while doing that. It can be kind of cool, sometimes I do that and in the middle of the dose I suddenly can't remember what number comes next. That's when I stop counting and just listen. Some people find it too easy to just count backwards by one so they count backwards by two or five.
Hope this helps, happy dosing!

Re: ADHD and iDoser?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:56 pm
by amantonas
Thanks for the idea about the pot and everything, I just can't really pull that off right now. My brother got busted for weed, and the punishment he received just sucked. So maybe later.

And thanks for the number idea; I'll definitely use that.

Re: ADHD and iDoser?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:27 pm
by Chill_Cucumber
