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Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:46 pm
by GeneralTrue
go to youtube search for THE LSD EFFECT and see the one about the cat you will know what i`m on about DONT FUCKING DO IT the cat almost fucking died cause he didnt knew wtf was going on he was all like OMFG and was shaking and all stiff and jumped against the walls of the cage then the tester tryed to grab him but it wasnt possible he was stiff and when touched he shaked like hell it wasnt the poision in the drugs only it was just the hallus dont fucking do this sick stuff animals dont need it SO FUCK OFF heres the movie so i`m sure you will see it

I KNOW i posted this in someones topic but i wanted to be sure everyone reads it and see`s the movie and agrees this will happen when you give a cat drugs or let them listen to music that give drugs effect