Lucid Dream
Lucid Dream
Okay im not exactly sure how to put this experience...... Ill just say that my dream seemed realistic, but i dont think i reached full lucidity yet. However, i did find, that this dose makes you sleep really well. It seemed like from the time i went to sleep (1:00 am) and the time i got up (9:55) it seemed like it took no time at all to wake up , but at the same time it seems like you've been sleeping for so long... im not sure how to put it... any ways its a good dose try it!
Everyone dreams every night, they just don't remember alot of the time.eXX0n wrote:I took Lucid Dream last night at 3am after i took Masochism and i fell asleep really fast and woke up 11am because my dad woke me up and i felt really rested, something i normally dont do when i go to sleep that late.
Strange though, i didnt dream anything.