Divinorum / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / Divine

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Post by lolpie »

h1s4k0 wrote:
lolpie wrote:
h1s4k0 wrote:
Are you asking me? :)
Give me a moment to pull up the Word Document I typed it all in before I posted it here... (I usually date it and put the time I start writing/finish the administration of the dose)

Ah! Here we are:

March 12, 2007
9:14 am

If you don't mind my knowing, why do you ask?
It seems to me that the time of day you do the dose affects whether it works or not, but maybe that's just me. I've found that doses work best before evening.
Level 2 (20-29)
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Post by h1s4k0 »

lolpie wrote:
h1s4k0 wrote:
lolpie wrote: Yeah
Give me a moment to pull up the Word Document I typed it all in before I posted it here... (I usually date it and put the time I start writing/finish the administration of the dose)

Ah! Here we are:

March 12, 2007
9:14 am

If you don't mind my knowing, why do you ask?
It seems to me that the time of day you do the dose affects whether it works or not, but maybe that's just me. I've found that doses work best before evening.
Yeah. I've felt the same way too.

I think it's because during the morning hours, the mind is racing and just waking up. Naturally, having to focus on sounds while the mind is wired and ready for a new day, the results probably wouldn't be the same.

However, it was during Summer time when I was experimenting with these doses and being the nocturnal teenager that I am, I stayed up during the night and slept during the day anyways, and I usually was up 'til about 1200 (afternoon) anyways, so the "day time" times like this, being 9:45 am, would probably yeild the same results as the dose administered later in the day :)
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