Alpha... Well i discover something interesting !! come in!!

Share dose experiences

Do u gonna try it on future?

Yes i will, Thx for the info ^.^
i dun know... Maybe i will..
Nah, i dun need I'M SUPA MAN ALREADY !! '¬¬
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Alpha... Well i discover something interesting !! come in!!

Post by AleanderX »

Well i discover that alpha Dose can make u able to master the Chronokinesis technique, since u slow down ur brain waves, making u read & learn more, also it can give u photovision, since chronokinesis & photovision r related, so i recommend to try alpha then read something, the first time it gonna be like I-Doser ( DUN WORK !! ) about 3 times
u gonna feel the effect, 100% learning speed with 2 new mind powers for u, that r Chronokinesis & Photovision, give a try Then tell me wht u think.

PD: It worked for me, i can rlly read 1 page in 4 seconds & i can make MY time go faster, slower, or ALMOST stop, is cool, wish u luk Belivers :D

I only can say that this info is 100% truth, so, dun belive in those who say.. "Nahhaaa ur wrong.. it dun... it dun work on me... so... it dun work.."
Cuz it does, wish u luk..

Pliz poste comments & sorry for bad tiping.. i'm like dun sleep 24 hrs.. 8)
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Post by Selador »

Could be quite useful to me, have to read Remembrances of Things Past for school, and with 4 seconds/page, I'm done within the hour. :P
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Post by Milp »

What are those doses called?
Also, what's chronokinesis?
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Post by Selador »

Milp wrote:What are those doses called?
Also, what's chronokinesis?
The dose is, in fact, called Alpha Dose because it sets your brain to the Alpha frequency. On the site, I think it's in the Pure doses sections.

As for chronokinesis, I don't know. Maybe the ability to manipulate one's time deliberately ?

EDIT : and, I think it would be a great idea to have a specific dose just for those effects, and not a pure one.
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Post by AleanderX »

What are those doses called?
Also, what's chronokinesis?
The dose is, in fact, called Alpha Dose because it sets your brain to the Alpha frequency. On the site, I think it's in the Pure doses sections.

As for chronokinesis, I don't know. Maybe the ability to manipulate one's time deliberately ?

EDIT : and, I think it would be a great idea to have a specific dose just for those effects, and not a pure one.
Yep ur right dude >.<, Chronokinesis is the ability to manipulate the time, in this case, the time for you, u can make it go FASTER, Slower, & ALMOST stop, so it work for me, why dun work for you, & the dose name... Yep ur Right is "Alpha", any other question r welcome, hope it work 4 ya, since it does for me :D
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Post by bomchicka »

how do you manupliate the time once you take the dose?
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Post by AleanderX »

how do you manupliate the time once you take the dose?
Thats a good question, i thought that none gonna ask it xDDDD :lol:

Well is hard explain... but with me it work like this:

Sit, then i just look to the floor or to the sky or roof or ceiling then i just start relax, then start remember all my day, wht i did in all day & wht events happend on it ( events.. = where i went & who i met ) then i start breath slowly, until i feel rlly relaxed then i just rlly think this in my mind
"The time is going faster, when i stop focus... my day gonan become night, & my night gonna become day..." (i know LOL it sound kind of spell)
Once i say that & i reach the ultimate focus xDDD, i just SNAP out of the focus & TADA!! is night or if was night become day xD, also when i just want the time go faster i just somehow ( hard explain ) make my day or week go faster, so i rlly can listen people talk fast, & a week who toke 7 days, become a week who toke 3 or 4 days
xD (all this since my B-Day is close lol)

is rlly awesome but is hard explain, some people say the next...
"To use chronokinesis u need a clock who make a clock noise: *Example.. Tick..Tock....Tick....Tock* then u start listen it & try make it slower ... each tick & tock gonna become slower u just need focus once it become slower u just try to snap out of the relax point & u gonna notice that the time has passed"

But u chose, if want more info u can also search for Chronokinesis information on Web :D

if r lazzy ask me & i will give more info about this. :)
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Post by Stumblethenrise »

Any RL drugs give those effect? lol
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Post by AleanderX »

Any RL drugs give those effect? lol
Well xDD actually i dun find one yet, who give this effect but the Alpha does xDDD, maybe trankilizer does 2, but need be a doses with medic prescription xDDD
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Post by bomchicka »

so how do i read a book faster?
i need to read 260 pages of a really small texted book, so if i can read a page in 4 seconds i would be done in 1.4 hrs as opposed to the 15hrs >.<

so how do i read a book faster?
also known as photoread or photovision?
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Post by AleanderX »

so how do i read a book faster?
i need to read 260 pages of a really small texted book, so if i can read a page in 4 seconds i would be done in 1.4 hrs as opposed to the 15hrs >.<

so how do i read a book faster?
also known as photoread or photovision?
Well to do that u just need reach the Alpha state, ALMOST Theta state, then just pick up a book, the one u nee read, then relax, breath slowly, i get full focus in da book, then just start watch the entire page then just change page, u just need watch the lines of a page, rlly fast, but make undesrtand wht r the thing ur reading. to master that u gonna need FIRST practice Photovision or Photoread, once u know how it work, u gonna be able to master it. :D

PD:Wish u luk.. & a people who mastered the photoread can read a page in 2 seconds :)
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Post by Luc »

Dude, 1 page in 4 seconds...? I don't really think that is possible. Ah well, I can't check if you're lying, and why would you :P ?
If it'd work it would be cool. I might try it some time :D
Thanks for the tip.

Post by krewskater »

The alpha range is where creativity, increased learning, and other intellectual factors reach their prime, so i wouldnt doubt that you could read a bit faster, but a page in 4 seconds AND understanding that page is an exaggeration. I'm sure it'd be possible to read a page of a book (not a childrens book, a high-school level novel ) in about 20 seconds or so and be able to understand what happened though. Im not saying you're lying, just that 4 seconds is a bit of an exaggeration.
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Post by AleanderX »

The alpha range is where creativity, increased learning, and other intellectual factors reach their prime, so i wouldnt doubt that you could read a bit faster, but a page in 4 seconds AND understanding that page is an exaggeration. I'm sure it'd be possible to read a page of a book (not a childrens book, a high-school level novel ) in about 20 seconds or so and be able to understand what happened though. Im not saying you're lying, just that 4 seconds is a bit of an exaggeration.
Dude if u dun know wht PHOTOVISION
is ... then u dun should say that this is an exaggeration.. better first read wht photovision or photoreading is, then argue & dun tell thats imposible again...
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Post by strokk »

What can u tell me about theta and delta ?
and what can i do after listening to them?
ive tried alpha once
i liked it, and after listening i realized that my head was very hot like u could feel the vibrations
and my mind was very peaceful if u know what i mean
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