BAD trip

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Level 1 (10-19)
Level 1 (10-19)
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:14 am

Post by AcidHead »

the first time I did acid i was pretty scared cause i thought it would be so crazy to handle the effects but it came on very smooth and i was totally relaxed enjoying having all my senses being distorted to the point where i didnt know what was real or hallucinated. Now the first time i ate mushrooms i ate a shit load and the effects were extremely intense in a matter of minutes. I tried to slow down the effects like you on can on weed and extacy but you cant once your tripping your stuck you cant make it stop no matter what you do. You cant fall asleep cause your brain activity is to high and if your tripping hard you cant tell if your eyes are opened or closed cause you see basicly the same thing. I tried to make my self sleep but the harder i tried the more intense the effects would be until i was literally not smart enough to talk or understand anything. People would ask me questions and i could hear the question but my brain didnt have enough power to give me an answer to tell them back so I said i dont know to almost every question i would get asked. From the start i tried to stop the effect but you cant, you just have to be relaxed and take it in. Its called a trip for a reason. But you have to be ready to go where it takes you and dont be afraid of what it has to show you, its one of the most amazing things you can do and its great fun everybody should do once in their life. Younger people should wait until their mind is strong enough before they put their mind through such an intense experience.
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