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Post by fanor45 »

So, i was wondering..which should i try next, LSD or Trip? i have them both..i was wondering which would be better for a first trip, but still strong..
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Post by Ness »

Eh, we all know MY opinion on I-Doser and the psychedelic state. It isn't going to happen w/o deep meditation, and even then, it's the meditation not the dose.
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Post by fanor45 »

yeah, but either way they bring out different Hz right? so if you had the same EXACT meditative state they must be different in some way right?
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Post by Ness »

IMO, meditation induces a psychedelic state by tricking your brain into releasing DMT while you're still awake. So slightly varying hz wouldn't make a real difference, it's still DMT.
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Post by fanor45 »

lol, amen to that..so how do YOU meditate Ness?
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Post by Ness »

I don't, I don't have the patience haha
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Post by subway »

Definetly for a first trip, i wouldnt try trip. Either way you're not going to trip out, unless your brainwave pattern is chronoed at the perfect level for the dose to actually be fully affective. (Yes Ive done a tone of research and fully understand the concept of binaural beats.)

If you sit there with the idea "i want to totally trip out" then you will be hit with a wall of around 60-70% placebo effect, becuase u are fully aware and anxious for the effect to kick in. Whether it dose or dosnt, your mind will over exaggerate the tiniest feeling x million, to the point of thinking your triping.

Yes you have to meditate and get to the perfect state. which lies in Alpha state, Beta state, delta state or theta state. or somewhere in between.

Meditating takes alot of practice, but is mandatory if you want to get a huge affect out of idoser. This is why idoser is almost impossible for a 12 year old boy to get the full affect. He has too much energy, to not think, and not anticipate somthing happening. and his mind is totally undeveloped, and immature, so he will over play a reaction he got by alot.

Best way to learn to meditate is to practice just thinking about your breathing and nothing but it. even when your in school, think about how fast you can get your heart rate down, and get to a chill point. Once your able to tune out everyone, and all the sounds and images, then you are pretty able achieave meditation states.

And i have yet to have a full blown halluciation. Ive done a alot of research and it is possible. But you ahve to get into an astral state of mind in order to achive it. Once you get really good at this then you can do it. But just by listening to the beat, you wont get thrown in to a pit full of gremlins. It just dosnt happen that way.
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Post by JohnnyTheHero »

yeah subway is right with the meditating part

I meditate alot I have been doing it successfully for two years now, and the first few thigns you experience are the Theta and Alpha state. I noticed it is alot easier to get doses to work from this, it worked for me the first time with every dose, I was quite lucky, also after dosing for a few times, then going back to meditating, my meditation session was SO MUCH MORE INTENSE!

So pretty much I would suggest, meditate twice a day for a good 2 weeks straight everyday, or 21 days off and on or so, get used to it, and then start mixing dosing into your days. Read up on Astral projection too like subway said, I never tried that part but I am guessing it would be very succesfuly and interesting.

Question though subway, what if I did the Astral Projection dose, followed by Peyote?
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Post by familyguy »

subway wrote: And i have yet to have a full blown halluciation. Ive done a alot of research and it is possible. But you ahve to get into an astral state of mind in order to achive it. Once you get really good at this then you can do it. But just by listening to the beat, you wont get thrown in to a pit full of gremlins. It just dosnt happen that way.
It's not possible to have a hallucination from audio. It even says so on these damn forums if you go and look at the news article things. Go do real drugs, because I'm telling you right now it will never work, and there's blatant evidence it wont either.
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