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Post by Mbishop540 »

Alright so got everything ready by first turning of the lights and closing the computer went easy first starting off with some "Quick Happy" worked great once in the perfect mood I did Pyeote. About 1/4 through everything was vivid and outlined amazingly. The corners in the walls were getting blacker and blacker halfway down I looked away they reverted to normal.

1/2 through my arms and legs were heavy I started got a headache, Still lying down everything went blue. The headache left but my body was still heavy. From 3/4 and out my head tilted to the right. My jaw dropped and my mouth opened then my tounge went back. Snapping out i got up and turned off the lights because they were bright as hell moving slowly i went to the kitchen and got a poptart (MM) my mouth was soar but the taste was enhanced. I highly recommend this product

I love this product :D
Last edited by Mbishop540 on Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ness »

Please, don't get me started. I hate it when people make ignorant comments like "its like drugs without the negative effects" when talking about the "hallucinogenic" doses. First, I-Doser is incapable of producing a psychedelic state and if it WERE capable of it, the risks of using that dose and the real thing would be identical since the classic psychedelics (LSD, mushrooms, and mescaline (peyote)) are utterly safe and do not damage the brain or body. Essentially, if you are willing to use the peyote dose in I-Doser expecting it to accurately reproduce a mescaline experience, then you should be just as willing to ingest mescaline. If you don't believe me, do some research and you'll find out I'm correct.
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Post by Mbishop540 »

yeah i guess i see your point and i was wrong to use that statement... but when you do the crystal meth dose you dont have the after effects like scabs an what not as you would when doing the actual drug its self.. I was refering to the entire program not just hallucinogenic side. Srry for the bad wording
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Post by Ness »

Ech, I seemed like more of a douche than I really am in that post. I just have to defend myself virtually every day and when I read that post I had JUST had to explain psychedelics to this stupid guy I know so I was on edge. Sorry 'bout that.
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Post by Mbishop540 »

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Post by subway »

Your head tilted to the right!! That is exactly what happend to me!....And then it felt like it kept going.

Haha amazing.
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Post by MrDj »

Those hallucinogenic doses are a cool shit... :-D

I haven´t tryed any hallucinogenic yet. I was doing some Black Sunshine at school, but my schoolmates were allways bothering me so it didn´t worked. Tomorrow, Ill try it at home with the lights off, in the bed with the mp3 player and ill hollaback later.
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