I am new, what should I start with?

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I am new, what should I start with?

Post by OsmosisNine »

I am new and I have not listened to any doses yet, but I want to do it right so that they will work for me. What are some doses I should start with? Is there anything I should do to ensure that they will work for me since I am new?
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Post by usnace636 »

You can't ensure anything will work, especially the first time you use it. First, you need to make sure you:
  • Have stereo headphones or stereo ear buds with a very high hertz range on them, so you can hear every tone i-Doser puts out.

    Have a private, dark, quiet room you can lay down in, without being interupted by any distractions.
It's also important you heavily concentrate on nothing but the tones you hear. If you're thinking about anything else, your brain waves won't be able to sync as well as they need to, so really study the tones you hear.

Also, make sure you're comfortable.

As far as I know you're never in danger regardless of what you listen to, so you could probably listen to just about anything. I'd recommend you try either A-BOMB or Trip. They both seem pretty backed with experiences.
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Post by Cryptopsy »

Hello, OsmosisNine, and welcome to the I-doser forums! There is a sticky at the top of the dose experiences page that has instructions for proper dosing. As far as doses go, I would recommend a shorter dose to start if you have trouble concentrating. French Roast or Nitrous would do fine. If you feel that you are ready for a full 30 minute dose, I strongly recommend starting with something pretty strong to get good effects. Peyote and A-Bomb are good choices because they both have a strong pulse and quite a bit of power, so you will be able to get used to binaural beats without having to struggle to hear them. I have also heard that Vico is a good dose with a high chance of success. One important tip I can give you is not to get too excited about the dose you are taking. If you get too excited, you'll lose focus, not get effects, and become one of those people that think I-doser is a load of crap. Don't try to expect any certain effects either just because a dose description says something. My advice is to just listen calmly and keep your mind open for any sort of entrainment that comes your way.
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Post by subway »

Yes cryptopsy explained prettty much all u need to do, and so did the other person.

Just start with a dose that uses pulses that are easy to identify. You will find that the doses that are conjested with a million diffrent freaquencies at once, are the ones hardest to get results from. Vico, Genesis, Peyote, and French roast are pretty much the easiest to learn with.

Like cryp said, dont expect anything when doing doses, otherwise you will likly be unsatisfied in the end. Also dont expect anything too much at all when u first start doing this stuff.

It's a wierd hobby, and like other hobbies, it takes practice.

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Post by kr3wskater »

I can't think of any doses using boxed beats (several frequencies at once)...

But ya, start with peyote, trip, speed, hash, or anything else good (maybe the quickhits)
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Post by OsmosisNine »

So I shouldn't start with moderate and work my way up? I should just go for the strong ones, is that what your saying?
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Post by shadowdragon6680 »

inhalant ;]]

prepare to have your heart explode though. :D
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Post by Supershot »

Id say start out with Quickhappy or French Roast. They not too long and they were great for getting me started.
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