nothing..nothing ..nothing..

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nothing..nothing ..nothing..

Post by Drug »

what can i say about this "drug"
nothing! just its real shit..
i was listened " Alcohol,Content,Marijuana1,Heroin1,QuickHappy1,F_Roast1,FirstLove,HandOfGod,Acid..and other..."drug" and nothing happened to me...its bullshit..
im the dark...and i was lay in the bed..
and still nothing...
where is a problem? :mad: :mad:
p.s- sorry for my english,.
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Re: nothing..nothing ..nothing..

Post by UnknownFear »

Drug wrote:hi...
what can i say about this "drug"
nothing! just its real shit..
i was listened " Alcohol,Content,Marijuana1,Heroin1,QuickHappy1,F_Roast1,FirstLove,HandOfGod,Acid..and
Hmm.. Pirating iDoser doses now are we? :)

Post by Drug »

why you said what>? :shock:
what doses i sent from internet,..
o maybe its not real>?
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Post by N1c3 »

Well it's kind of easy to tell you pirated the doses, since you listed some of the doses as Marijuana1,Heroin1,QuickHappy1, etc..
And only the pirated doses have a 1, 2 or 3 after the dose title...

Anyways, most people rarely feel any effects the first time they use I-Doser, sorry.

What you need to do is get your brain used to the frequencies, then you'll feel effects from the doses! :wink:
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Post by subway »

yea dude, it takes time. And yea u pirated lmao.

Post by Drug »

im not pirating IDoser doses! :shock:
all of you can get it in the internet...its not pirating..

maybe its true...maybe what doses is not real.
im so disapointed
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Post by N1c3 »

Drug wrote:im not pirating IDoser doses! :shock:
all of you can get it in the internet...its not pirating..

maybe its true...maybe what doses is not real.
im so disapointed
Wtf dude, how old are you?
So if you download it from the internet without paying, then it's not pirating???

With that flawed logic, you could say that if your dating some chick, and then you go and sleep with another chick, then it isn't cheating, unless you were married to the chick your dating, HA!!

Admit it, you pirated the doses, plus I don't know why you are "so disappointed" it's not like you lost any money or anything, so there is no need to go hijacking peoples threads just to post "It reely works for u guyz, I can't work it forz mee!"

Nobody cares that your 12 year old brain can't get the (pirated) doses to work, so please quit it!
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Post by subway »

Hit Hard! haha. Yea hes right. Anything that you get without buying it is pirated or stolen.

Limewire, Utorrent, Soulseek, and those sort of things, are all pirate based businesses.
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Post by hitman47 »

But are you particularly against things like that? I don't condone stealing I-doser, but don't you think that Hollywood actors have enough money, I mean, so what if Brad Pitt (for example) can't buy a third mansion. Should we really be concerned? I don't think so. Not that I've ever done anything like of :oops:
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Post by N1c3 »

hitman47 wrote:But are you particularly against things like that? I don't condone stealing I-doser, but don't you think that Hollywood actors have enough money, I mean, so what if Brad Pitt (for example) can't buy a third mansion. Should we really be concerned? I don't think so. Not that I've ever done anything like of :oops:
Ahh, yes, and normally I would agree with you, just like for example, "the artists" always complain about how much pirating music is hurting their sales, but believe it or not, that is not the case!
Artists make next to nothing on the sales of their cds in the first place, it is their record companies that make the money from their cds, but the artists themselves make their money from touring, concerts and merchandise.

The reason I don't agree with you in this case though, is cause we are not talking about multi-millionaire hollywood actors, we are taling about a small software company who is only able to stay "in the biz" based on how much they can make on their software (or in this case, the doses for the software), I mean think about it, if people stop supporting I-Doser, then the program will die (think BWGen) then 2 years later the forum will still be running, but the software won't be in development anymore (think the GParted live cd), and then a year later, the software and it's site/forum will disappear from history and never be seen again!

Then the only thing remaining of I-doser will be the memories you have of I-doser, which you will be telling your grand-children, 30 years from now, a story about "this cool program" that you played around with when you were younger, back when the latest OS was in x64 bit, compared to 30 years from now when we are running Windows in x256 bit with a v12 kernel, HAHA!
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Post by hitman47 »

Haha. I see exactly what you're aying and I agree with you. I-Doser is relatively small and needs the money where as famous record companies and movie stars don't. I-Doser is an amazing program and I think we should support it.
I know that is what you just said but whtevs lol.
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Post by Shrimpo »

It's not pirating it's "sharing" lmao. But i have a question... why isn't limewire or any of those other P2P softwares illegal and banned? I got to be honest i have downloaded about 2 games and so on off the internet but, nothing ever happened. People still buy the games legit. I'm not on anyones side but it gets u thinking.
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Post by N1c3 »

ghost wrote:come down mans. :)
if everyone have a choise to get the doses for its pirating?
im not understand...why we pay for "drugs" if we can get it for free.
but theme of this forum isn't "pirating" so we can talk like theme.
drug,how ,uch is your headphones?
Wtf are you talking about?
Ok, so everyone has a choice to go to a convenience store with a gun and make free money.... so it's robbing?

And yes, I do use some real "drugs", but only if it is natural, meaning it is either a seed, or it is a plant, otherwise I won't touch it (like heroine).
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