Anesthesia - Review

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Anesthesia - Review

Post by demo183 »

Let me start off by saying this dose is AMAZING.

Anesthesia / Sedative (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes

I got ready for this dose by taking like 40% of a reset then decided to go for it. Set up: Lights off, Computer Monitor off. I left my TV on for some light but put it on mute. Got my bed ready and went for it. Put on the dose, laid down adjusted the volume and started off. For the first few minutes nothing special, just like trying to go to sleep. Then around, what I'd guess to be 5 minutes, I started getting some results. At first my arms and legs just got kind of numb. Then it started at my feet. This extremely nice warmth started moving up my legs and stopped just above the knee. Then it felt like a weight was laid over my legs. Next a weird sensation, that as i think about it, can be described as little kids pushing the slightest pressure at random parts of your legs and feet. (I actually opened my eyes and looked towards my legs). Finally my legs were no longer there, its as if they melted and became part of my bed. Then this "heavy blanket" feelings moved up to my arms and upper body. It wasn't long before it didn't even feel like my hands were on anything. It was as if i were floating or part of the bed. Then as the dose comes to an end, its like my body is being released from inside and bed and I am whole once again.

Overall I give this a 10/10.
Very effective.
Amazingly real.
I am hooked.

Awesome job I-Doser!

P.S. Leave some comments with your experiences as i haven't read many for this dose and want to see if there are similar results.
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Post by rawful_00 »

last night, i didnt get much successful results.

i just felt kinda numb for a little bit... i fell asleep in the middle of the dose until a minute before it ended. i got up, and my left hand was tingling as if it was dying from lack of circulation.

i might try it again... if i dont fall asleep
Bullet Pulse
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Re: Anesthesia - Review

Post by Bullet Pulse »

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Last edited by Bullet Pulse on Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hejduk »

during the dose i was sitting at my computer in my chair in a very relaxed position, but i swear throughout a part of the dose i could feel someone breathing on the back of my neck, which all in all made me extremely paranoid but i finished the dose with good concentration.

after the dose i heard snow falling from my roof down to the pile of snow beside my window, but couldn't see it because of my curtain.
at the time i swear it sounded like someone walking out there, pacing back and forth.

anesthesia REALLY fucked me up, not only did i feel confined to my room like i was some sort of hostage and outside my room was completely unsafe, but i felt like i was being watched for a good 20 minutes after the dose ended.

i highly recommend taking this dose during the day, when you are NOT the only person in your house, so you can experience the effects minus the paranoia that might happen.

mind you i took this dose at 1 oclock in the morning and it was storming outside and everyone in my house had been in bed for roughly 3 hours
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