I really think I have a natural resistance to stimulants

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I really think I have a natural resistance to stimulants

Post by bummerboy »

As the title states, I really believe my body has some kind of resistance or tolerance of stimulants.

Coffee has never affected me, no matter how much I drink, any energy I get is minimal.

I have smoked plenty of cigarettes but I've never had a craving that makes me "need" them. I just smoke a few a day when I happen to have a pack, but never have a craving.

Now, I just tried a line of cocaine for the first time. This time, I absolutely hoped I could get something.

So, here is what happened. I did a line, waited, and well, felt jittery. But, I really had no euphoria. I didn't have that all around "love everything" feeling that is associated with coke. None of it. I actually got pretty pissed while playing Call of Duty 4 too. Nothing amazing at all. I felt MUCH more stimulated with the AfterMath dose than with actual cocaine.

I don't know what it is, but I think my body just naturally resists stimulants. Could be my prescription, but otherwise I just don't know.
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Post by subway »

I havae freinds that are like this. My friend can smoke cigs, and never become addicted, hes done coke and was fine, no addiction, hes also done opium and maybe some other stuff. But he is a square guy that dosnt get addicted to anything, and just belives that nothing effects him.

Im the exact opposite.
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