crystal meth? welllll i suggest you try it once. but be warned it is fucking insane. here is my experience... i had no idea what it would be like it says "this dose seems to do both good and bad" so i thought ahhh what the hell lets just do it and see what happens... after the dose had finished i was just tottaly laxed out on the couch and not really in the mood to do anything which i thought was kinda weird... my ability to think about things intelectually increased as i noticed when conversing with a friend who was over at the time. i was in this sort of state for about 10 mins... i kept requestinggg my mate to put on songs that reflected my mood. sorta like i felt like life was over and there wasnt much of a point to it anymore but it was nice to have one last night with friends... and then on came a really hypo kind of song and my mood started to change... i suddenly got more energy and started dancing around and generally making a fool of myself... thennn like 10 mins after that i was just going so bezerk it was nuts. i kept putting on songs that were just so high energy and jumping around the living room diving at the furniture, chucking the cushionsss, fighting invisibleee ninjas in the airrr and rolling around on the floor like a mad man... i was seriously OUT of control. this lasted for abouttt 15 mins until i realised what was going on and by this time i had worn myself down so much that i was dragging myself across the floor as walking required to much energy... i pretty much collapsed on the stairs and begged for a drink then thought to myself... i better hit reset before i pass out or something like that. after my reset i was fine again but still realllllllly drained.
helllllllllll fun but scary cos it just made me lose control compeletly. i could have hurt someone. watch out for it.