help! i cant get any effect :(

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help! i cant get any effect :(

Post by kaitlinm »

It seems like everything i try doesn't work! At first i thought it was because i was new to i-doser but now i've tried and couple and got no effect. I even tried some of the tips on the forum like turning off the light and lieing down etc. still NOTHING! maybe its the dose's that im trying??
smoke a jointRON
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Post by smoke a jointRON »

ya the same thing happens to me cause im new to it. But i've heard tips saying to start with the smaller, less "intense" doses like quickhappy, content, or vice and then when you get good effects on those move up to other ones. Note: it's going to take more than one try to get maximum effects
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Post by LegitHK »

at first i was having trouble getting the full effects too. the advice that i read (which seemed to work) was the exact opposite of what RON said. the thread i read said to start out with one of the pure doses (i used beta) and then to immediately go to a very strong one (i used marijuana). the thread said that after doing a strong one, then go back down to the moderate ones...this method seemed to have worked for me...once you've done that, you should be able to get the full effects of any strength doses at any given time
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Post by UltimaWarrior »

I started with a couple of moderate ones then i went straight to Very Strong. It worked sorta...

The tips are there to help you relax and lose distractions. If youre a heavy sleeper or a good meditater it will work perfect. If you are like me it will take time my friend! I'm only 13 so my imagination CAN run over sometimes, youve just gotta learn how to control your feelings and just let your body shutdown :-)

I hope you have read MY tips and i hope it works for you :cool:

You may even get to the point im at to try Hand of God :evil:
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Post by Exovedate »

I went immediately to the really strong ones, because at first, I never knew much, and got them from a friend. Actually, first one I tried, was Marijuana in socials class....that was fun!
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