Sleep Supplementation

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Sleep Supplementation

Post by thejerry »

Last week 60 Minuets had a piece on sleep research being done at UC Berkley. The expert stated that lack of sleep, specifically Delta, was a cause of ageing, and the main reason for obesity and diabetes.

They stated that we need from 1 1/2 to 2 hours of Delta frequency each night, and as we age, we get less and less.

Can you produce a dose that will cycle down Alpha, Theta, then Delta and hold at Delta for a while then cycle up Theta, Alpha and repeat so as to mimic normal patterns, but weighted on the Delta frequency. I would like to try a Dose that was an hour long and netted 45 minuets of Delta frequency.
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Post by idoser »

We offer an alpha, beta, theta, and delta mp3 (pure) pack... with those, you could mix and match a playlist to your own specification. The ambient sound backdrops should be equally weighted enough to transition ok (or you can fade in and out in some music managers).

But i do like you idea, and we will consider it as an additional sleep dose.
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Custom mixing

Post by thejerry »

That sounds like a good idea; however I only have the Pure Pak in DRG format. I don't suppose there is any sort of rebate to get purchased DRG doses in MP3 format on CD, or download, or is there?
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