Luscious Trippin Journal

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Post by hamhead »

have u felt a difference in your study grades or level of understanding and solving problems when using Alpha or Gamma while studying?
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Post by Luscious »

X0Eclipse wrote:Luscious, what method do you use to get your Astral body put of the Physical body ( to astral project)?
Well I tried TONS of stuff , The best thing that worked for me was "Sleep over" or sth like that method (from Astral Voyage site) , If your body is tired getting into REM sleeping state will take 1-2 hrs or more depending on how much your cells needs healing & recovery and only then you can get into REM state , And so it's simple , You sleep over and maybe even dream and then wake up again using the alarm or drinking lots of water(To go to the bath)...etc , And then when you go back to APing it becomes lots easier coz now you're sure that you're gonna go through REM especially that you're awake more than tired , And hence no laying around on bed for hours waiting for hypnogogic imagery & REM to come .

And this worked for me immensly , I once got out of my body for about 6 times in a row , And visited many places in what felt like hours .

And for separation I used quite anything ,At first it was a lil hard trying to pull my astral head out of the physical(damn funny though lol) so what I did is I displayed a need like drinking water or checking my pc so I can get out instantaneoulsy,Later on I just floated out after learning to fly more properly , It comes with time .

How do you play them one after another?
do you open the new one after the first dose is done?
or do you have a timer on so its starts when the first finishes.
I use my mobile mp3 player , Make an album containing whatever combo and play them , Thats it.
have u felt a difference in your study grades or level of understanding and solving problems when using Alpha or Gamma while studying?
Yeah ,You tune in what they call "Relaxed Alertness",Which is the perfect state for study,Your subconscious is part awake with the conscious,So many things are easier to do .
Helped alot in concentration,Everything I memorized while cramming for the exam was easier to recall in the exam ,Though it all depends on you play it,just forget about it and tune in with the studying and enjoy it ,It works .
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Post by unreaL »

A mobile MP3 player?
Are the files still .drg?

i've heard that converting them to anything but .drg will mess it up.
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Post by ChristofLtd »

Holy Schnikes! youve put a good amount of time into this! In which i salute you.

The first actually thorough Journal i read, and because you wrote all of this (I have no idea where you get the time :lol: ) I am SO doing more doses today
and am going to experiment with more

Kudos to yoouu!!!
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Post by ChristofLtd »

Oh also, you said in i think your first post? That you were gonna retry Opium QH and seeing as you are probably one of the only people i now trust on these matters, can you try it?

And if you already redid it and posted, my bad :shock:
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Post by Luscious »

unreaL wrote:A mobile MP3 player?
Are the files still .drg?

i've heard that converting them to anything but .drg will mess it up.
The recreational stimulations cds are MP3s ,i-doser said it only decreases their effect by 12-20 % but still it works, Correct me if I'm wrong i-doser.

Also apparently you can see that they worked for me ;) .
Holy Schnikes! youve put a good amount of time into this! In which i salute you.

The first actually thorough Journal i read, and because you wrote all of this (I have no idea where you get the time ) I am SO doing more doses today
and am going to experiment with more

Kudos to yoouu!!!
Thanks bro =) , I just write fast :evil: .

and I think I retried Opium QH , didn't post it though , Didn't work at first , But later on had this really wonderful wave of euphoria, It had an effect somehow similar to Marijuana or Hash QH , But more euphoric than funny ,I laughed a ton while dosing MJ & Hash and I was in the STREET !!! ,Try it there , It's more fun .
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Post by Luscious »

30th Dose: Absinthe Mixed
Effect: Felt dizzy and spiraling towards sleep , Lots of funny feelings, Really inspirational music & emotions , I wonder if it would inspire me as I paint or write ….Hmm also including Inspire .

31st Dose : Bufo Toad
Effect: 1 day ago , I was trying the Samuel Sagan approach to meditation towards awakening the third eye , And during the meditation he mentioned that through the eye you can be aware of any sound not only through your ears but also through your third eye and feel its vibrations and frequency ,Even feel it inside yourself,And this awareness helps in its development while using throat friction breathing to help energize it .

Hence yesterday at night , I thought I should try it with I-doser especially if this is a Hallucinogenic dose , And so it started , At first It was a little distracting to concentrating on the 3rd eye with the dose beat while breathing with the throat friction exercise .

But It seemed to be Automatic breathing as it went on , And somehow I really felt something new as I tried to feel all the vibrations in my third eye ,Although I was low on energy and sleepy .
I felt the revolving ,spinning & goin backnforth beat literally spinning in my third eye and as that happens it felt like those vibrations began to make colorful shapes as if those images represent it in addition to waves of various emotions that had to do with them , Which was quite eye opening ,And these colorful shapes began transforming from one shape to another with different colors as the beat continued , And AGAIN I feel asleep , This time to a really enlightening dream about sth like life potion or some mumbo jumbo like that , Fun…!

After this I think I’m gonna try tuning to every sound through the third eye and see what happens .
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Post by Luscious »

3 days ago watched some lil movie called "School of Psychokinesis" on the internet , It's like a spoon bending party demonstrating "Mind Over Matter" phenomena , In which you learn how to bend metals through your mind, And it worked like a charm , Although I never thought I'd be capable of doin it that easily , And I actually did it with lots of noise and less concentration , And it still worked for me :



I always LOVE doin new stuff and experimenting as I dive into the deep wave of restful sleep coz I KNOW that you're unconscious mind is more involved and learning through it is 10 times faster or even more .

So I thought I'd experiment with I-Doser and see its effect on one's psychic abilities , Especially that I'm working with this to make myself better at doin it to the point where I only use my mind .

I think that the best dose for something like this would be THETA , As I know that it's the state in which the conscious mind is more like fading away and the subconscious is IN control and most ESP happens in it,I also thought of CHAKRA , They say that ESP happens easily if you're in an emotional peak (Happy child-like playful state) ,Maybe Rave or Speed ? .

So lets see the effects , I'm excited about this :) .
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Post by Luscious »

Dude :-D , Who cares anyway , I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone , I'm just having lots of fun experimenting with this ,And I'm sharing with whomever interested :) .
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Post by kr3wskater »

I doubt he bent it it, i actually watched that video last night and it's pretty freakin' awesome.
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Post by Luscious »

kr3wskater wrote:I doubt he bent it it, i actually watched that video last night and it's pretty freakin' awesome.
lol well ,Good for you, At least that gives you sth to do , It's easy anyway , The hardest thing is being sensitive as to when the metal softens ,Thats the critical point .
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Post by kr3wskater »

Ya, that quote ius confusing, it looks like i almost meant to say i doubt that you actually got it to bend, but i was saying i doubt you just bent it with your hands and were lying.
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Post by CHimasterwang »

"There is no spoon." =P
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Post by Luscious »

32nd doze : Trip + Opium “Recreational CD” :
Effect: Fuckin great feeeeeeeling ,I’m feeling so fuckin euphoric damn it ,Even though it was on the run, It’s THAT INTENSE ,Here goes :
I’m sitting down ,fuckin around with my pc ,And yeah I’m somehow free for a while ,So I start with Trip , And god damn it , Those birds whistling sounds are so DAMN funny like hell , I felt like as if my head were the whistling birds , And it felt just hilarious , And then those lots of sounds,voices & myriad of feelings , I felt like I’m DAMN groovy , Got into a really great trance, I’m seeing groovy screen on colours , Shapes revolving , spirals , Hazy violet revolving , This shit opens the third eye , It was FUN for sureeeeee .

And then I try on the Opium Dosieeeeeee , And damn it , One word can describe this dose , It’s absolutely amazingly and super ass kickingly the “Sweetest” dose evahhh ,I never felt that fuckin euphoric , And those damn euphoric waves keep goin up and down unstoppable , I found myself like an idiot for no reason at all which isn’t like me , And somehow it amplified every experience ,especially after it was done ,I felt like RUNNING , Dancing , Messing around with everything ,And music effect were 10 times amplified :DD , So yeah I’d say it’s sweetest dose ever , And then I’d say Marijuana .
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Post by -steinz »

Luscious wrote: ...And then I try on the Opium Dosieeeeeee , And damn it , One word can describe this dose , It’s absolutely amazingly and super ass kickingly the “Sweetest” dose evahhh ...
Which is why i love it! Although, most people dont notice the "time slowing/reversal" effect. If you do the doses at night, or right before bedtime, try moving your hands after youve had the floaty feeling for a while, It actually feels like time has stopped, then youve experienced opium!
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