gooble wrote:cool, i feel like itd be hard to get into an astral within 10 minutes though.
Well, I dont know...
I tried YET AGAIN to Astral and it came to me in mere seconds with the dose!! Although, I had a bad trip...
When i was standing a metre away from my physical body I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I turned round to find my physical body awake and moving around. He could see me and felt dead, like a zombie. For a split second i thought i would never get back, then i realised, this isn't exactly "real" (as such) so i punched him in the face and threw him out the window.
The silver strand that connects the physical and spiritual body snapped.*
I wandered around for a very long time. I tried lots of things to get me awake but nothing worked. I then got bored and thought "maybe I should enjoy it". I then tried the most weirdest thing. I tried to speak to my mother in the real world. We talked like we were on the phone!!
We chatted for a bit and i noticed things started to melt away. Sound disappeared first, then the room dissolved and I awoke. I had been in the Astral plain for 3 hours!! I remember mum's last words in the projection: "Teatime!"
*This doesnt happen to other people but there is a silver cord connecting my spiritual and physical bodys together. Once snapped, i cannot leave the astral plain unless awoken from the real world.