Well there is Heroin, why not Heroin withdrawal? I think that would be SOOO COOl yet terrifying at the same time. Just for fun I'll compose a description...
Withdrawal/Premium/Strongest/30 Minutes
We brought you Heroin, now here comes the PAIN! Withdrawal will send your body and your mind through absolute Hell and back! Your veins will seem to catch fire, fevers and cold sweats will rush through your body like the strike of Thor's mighty hammer. Severe anxiety and depression will permeate your being leaving you feeling drained and empty. Your body will convulse, your veins will burn, your outlook on life will forever change once you experience withdrawal.
Actually, opiate withdrawal is very rarely fatal. Benzodiazapine (Valium, Xanax, etc) withdrawal are the ones that are fatal. Just thought I'd clear that up.
lol well if they want it more like the real thing they should have the same up effects & same down effects .
think it would be cool to have a tone thing where i could re-use it & it would be cheeper then the real thing...but i think there still a long way away from making theres dose's just like the real drugs