Taking Doses While Under the Influence of marijuana

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Taking Doses While Under the Influence of marijuana

Post by EmbryonicHydra »

If you do not smoke marijuana don't bother reading this, as it will not aid you in any such way.

I am a brand new user of I-Doser and I have only tried a few of the doses
the only one i have used while high was White Crosses.

If you say that I-Doser does not work, you are ignorant and should be exterminated.

If you can truthfully tell me that I-Doser does not work while UTI you are a complete fool and do not deserve life.


I had woken up around 11 to the knocking of my door. My friend had stopped by to see if i wanted to go get our checks from work and i said sure. After obtaining the money from our checks we bought a nickel and smoked a nice finger sized blunt. We had hot-boxed it in my bathroom with the vents closed. After about 10-20 minutes of shooting the shit so to speak my friends departed and i was alone with my headphones, my kingsize bed, a pillow, and blankets. I had just started using I-Doser the previous night and i was thoroughly amused to say the least, so i decided i would give it another go. I used the bathroom, grabbed a glass of some gatorade and closed my blinds. I finally decided on White Crosses:

White Crosses
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said. OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This underground bastard-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses.

As i lay down i started the dose, mind you im at the peak high from the blunt at this moment. I quickly realized i was going to be in for the ride of my life. I started off staring at the ceiling with racing thoughts of random things, many of which were relating to things i do, such as reading comics and having sex and other things, very very random things. I could see these thoughts with mild lucidity and i could not stop thinking how amazing this was which was the only thing keeping me distracted from falling deeper into this experience. So i cleared my head and changed positions and began to stare at my blinds. They seemed to be distorted in such a way that was unexplainable as was everything else, such as my perception, which at this point was completely altered. They began to turn into tube like things that had some type of red liquid in them that seemed to flow back and forth and again i was quickly distracted by how amazing it was to be hallucinating from mere noise and marijuana. i started falling deeper and deeper though still completely aware of what was going on. I decided to close my eyes. A major pitch change came and my mind blasted with racing thoughts and closed eye hallucinations such as a pyramid that was formed from the small amount of light shining through the crack between my eyelids from the window blinds. I pictured a funnel thing only i was just looking at it i was feeling it and i began to hear a noise that rushed past me over and over and i began to fall into the funnel. I suddenly was looking down upon my self from the ceiling and still had racing thoughts of complete randomness. The dose ended and i sat bewildered by what had just occured and i was still feeling the effects near maximum potency even though the dose was over and i took off the headphones and fell asleep.

Waking up two hours later i realized i had to go to work in 30 min as i stood up i was very slightly disoriented and throughout the day i seemed to have a slightly different perspective of things.

If you smoke marijuana thumbs up
If you own I-Doser thumbs up
If both apply please try smoking and taking a dose of your liking it will work

Do not use Idoser UTI before you need to accomplish any kind of tasks because you will not want to due to the extreme feelings.

I end this post saying i love weed i love i-doser and i will be posting some of my other experiences while UTI as i try different doses

also. do you think you could possibly cross the doses over one another in sense combining them to create another dose all togeter such as mixing Marijuna and Alcohol to create-Crunk??????????

and if you know what the best dose is tell me i want to try it UTI

peace and will be posting more UTI experiences soon :]
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

cool... ill try it with GoH soon.... jk, White Crosses
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Post by Some_dude »

because Marijuana can relax you, ya don't have to lay down, be quiet, keep your eyes closed, etc.

Lol, you could take White Crosses standing up if you wanted to, but I wouldn't. Not because it won't work, because it does if you smoke Marijuana, but I'm insistent and read the thread anyways.
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Post by V »

You'll waste half an hour of the weedtrip! My idea is: roll a nice J and don't share it this time, or with lesser friends. You'll have more effect from it :D
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