Are these good signs or is my brain just fucked:

When the mind leaves body
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Are these good signs or is my brain just fucked:

Post by Idosing »

Okay so I've been trying to project since august. Now everytime I go to sleep I feel like an elephant is sitting right on my forehead where the third eye is. My head than begins to feel like its being shookin back and forth and I see the sight behind my eyes shake as well. My body starts to feel this intense feeling of vibration and another feeling that words cant begin to peice together. The more I'm laying there the stronger it gets as to the point where my vision begins to flicker in the dark. It bugs the fuck out of me and it takes me an hour to get to sleep because it keeps happening. Should I resist or should I go with it? I am afraid to project at night.
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Post by ookpaya »

i think the problem is (but i;m no expert) is that you SHOULD project at night so maybe the chakra pressure on your head will go away or do a chakra sealing (or closeing) on the crown chakra (third eye).

you know whats funny. i sound like an expert. anyway, good luck!
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