Binaural beats susceptibility and astrological signs

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Post by krazzee »


First try was LSD because I wanted something strong, but not bufotoad strong, or too weak, and I know the effects of LSD quite well *cough cough*

So I popped it on, and about 20 minutes in started feeling light and airy, I had Closed-Eye visuals of like winged skull things, much like those in LoZ: Ocarina of Time for the 64 that I haven't played in like 9 years. When it was over I opened my eyes and had a disorientation feeling, but that was probably due to lying on my back for 30+ minutes with eyes closed, then standing up fast with eyes open.

I went outside to smoke a cigarette, and it looked like the cigarette was opening up and trying to invite me in, it was hard to explain.

Every other single dose I have tried has given my an effect, some more pronounced, some less.

BTW, I am a Libra.
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Post by Ordinator »

Originally Unsusceptible


I was reading through the forum before i tried any of the doses to get familiar with things, so i've learned that i should start with something moderate, so i took inspire dose four or five times and only last time it had some effect, and then i tried marijuana and i'm getting nice effects. Those are the two i've tried so far
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Post by cameraboirzu »

originally unsusceptible

I had done several doses, I finally tried cocaine and most if not all doses work now.
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Post by Meighen »

originally unceseptable (got it to work a few days ago)
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