My experiences

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My experiences

Post by MC_Kejml »

Wed Jun 24

Just tried Astral Projection.

Well, I didn't get no visual effects, since I had my eyes closed and under a blanket, but in like the half of the dose, my arms started to tick a lot. Then, thy rose by themselves and started to spin from my hips to the top of my head!
The funny part was that my left hand got spun into the speakerphones' power cord, so it stopped spinning. How ? Did my subconscious said like STOP, you'd break the trance, and so it stopped?
For a while, I heard Faithless's Insomnia which I played some time before taking a dose and I also heard Darth Vader's breath like 2 times.
Then, my right arm started to spin less and less, and spun a bit even when the dose ended. Interesting!
Last edited by MC_Kejml on Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheOne »

The rising of the hands sounds like your astral body might have been disconnecting from the physical. And there are usually sounds you might here when you're about to split, which would explain the Darth Vader noise.
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Post by MC_Kejml »


This time, I tried VICO.

There were two waves changing, I think.
Sometimes in the beginning, my mind wandered a bit, but it felt ok, not like it was forbidden ( as it is :/ )
In the half of the dose, the arms rising occured again, and my heartbeat skyrocketed. I also had this weird idea of my breast area getting big. Not just breasts, but the whole top area. I was a bit afraid of the heartbeat, but I guess it was ok.
The arms started to spin again. For a while, only the left arm spun, then the right arm did the same, alone.
I felt a bit numb, like my arms really weren't there, but that was just a short while.
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Post by MC_Kejml »


Dose: AntiSad

I had a severe depression and tried this dose out. I fell asleep halfway through the dose ( -.- ) and felt only a slightly better when I awoke.

I wonder if the doses function more or less when one is asleep.
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Post by MC_Kejml »


Dose: !RAVE!

Well, a pretty free day overall, no duties, no job, school, tasks, nothing, so I decided to try this interesting dose.
I wasn't sure, but it was as if I heard bits and pieces of music in the beginning. Then I tried this odd thing, I was listening to the waves as they went up and down and this strange state occured, it was as if I went onto the trance. I have fallen off the state fast, though. And again fell asleep, since the noice wasn't changing. I wonder which waves were those - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta... hm.

I woke up in fairly the same state as before, but when I plugged some music, dancing made me feel better than if I'd dance before. Depression went away.
I am not sure why, though. Another optimistic message came, so maybe I was happy because of it, not because of the dose.
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Post by MC_Kejml »


Dose: Content

I was in a pretty normal mood and before a date, so I decided to try content for some better, optimistic outlook. Again, I nearly fell asleep in the middle of the dose, but then the sounds started to blend ( there was this wave one, the static and something like a flute? ) and my body was so wanting to stretch itself. I understood I'd broke the dose, and then there was something like a positive energy building in my body and I slowly started so smile. Now I've awakened with a fairly happy attitude and I have to say - This was the first dose that worked for me!
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Post by cameraboirzu »

What do you mean when you say your arms are "spinning"?
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