I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love
cocaineQH is one of the best (QH) doses I have ever done. within 2 minutes, my body starting lighting up with energy and I was twitching. definitely a great dose
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
So its your first dose to get working? Maybe do it a couple more times, and then just start experimenting.
Usually if you get a dose to work, its trial and error from then out. I am currently just discovering which ones are my favorite, and sorting through what I do and don't like.
I've recently discovered that I love the ABsinthe dose.
Usually if you get a dose to work, its trial and error from then out. I am currently just discovering which ones are my favorite, and sorting through what I do and don't like.
I've recently discovered that I love the ABsinthe dose.
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
Re: Hmm,
cHolyJizz wrote:I Have done this before, Still wiaitng for a good breakthrew. BEcause when ever i listen to CocaineHQ Or alot of doses. THe Closing my eyespart makes me fall asleep.
You need to keep your concsciousness awake. Have you been using any concentration techniques? If you keep your mind busy, you lessen your chances of falling asleep.
Try counting backwards from a high 3 or 4 digit number next time you dose.
And, what do you mean by "I have done this before"