My Journal/Reviews/Experience reports for assorted I-doses
My Journal/Reviews/Experience reports for assorted I-doses
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
45 Minutes
The Green Fairy; The Green Goddess; La Fee Verte. Our engineers went back to first-hand accounts recorded as far bast as the 1850s, and attempted to simulate the effects of of this mystic green drink. Did we succed? We may never know for sure, since Absinthe was banned long ago. We've compared it to other real-world wormwood concoctions, and we think you will agree there is something to this: lucidity hits slowly as your speech becomes very articulate and your ideas clear, the haze sets, but but drifts, you are drunk but you aren't. Suddenly you realize why this was the drug of choice for Van Gogh, Baudelaire, and Verlaine - it is a surreal smooth unlike anything available on the street today that opens your mind, glosses over the universe, but makes everything clear all at once. Amazing, is what you will call it. Absinthe is what it is.
Overall Absinthe was a pleasant dose. During the dose euphoria kicked in around 20-25 percent. Along with the euphoria come a somewhat enjoyable color show, consisting of mostly green and yellow for myself. Shortly after that dizziness sets in. Maybe 10 minutes later you feel very heavy and sort of glued to your bed or couch. As of right now Absinthe should feel similar Alcohol, and inhalant, but not quite as strong. By this point you should be in a state or Trance or very close to it. Around 60 percent ( estimation) your mind may begin to race with odd thoughts about life, death, and the universe. These thoughts should continue throughout the rest of the dose, as well should the dizziness, and sluggishness. After the dose ends every thing around you will seem very alien, but at the same time so familiar. The first thing that i wanted to do was draw what ever popped into my mind, unfortunately all I had at my disposal was crayons, but in the end I turned out to have a drawing different and more alien than any picture I have ever created before. If I can get my damn scanner to work I will post the drawing. There are a few flaws in this dose though, first being how long it was. Next it didn't give you a real high, but more a pleasant body feeling and very deep thinking. Overall I enjoyed Absinthe, it is very hard to describe the total experience I got from it, but I would recommend it to anyone seeking an out of the ordinary dose.
Overall rating: 7/10
Black Sunshine: (Sorry about the late post everyone, my internet was broken so I was unable to put anything up.) Recreational (VERY STRONG)
35 Minutes
You know a dose is good when all of a sudden our email box is spammed with high regards for a specific dose. That happened when White Crosses was released, another popular dose of ours. All everyone could talk about was White Crosses. Black Sunshine can be considered our first sequel dose. From the team who created White Crosses, comes BLACK SUNSHINE. They said they could do a dose just as good or better than White Crosses, and everybody laughed. Well, THEY DID IT! BLACK SUNSHINE is the anti-stimulant. I wish we could easily put into words what this dose does, but it is so beyond words... let's try: It takes your brain and twists it so that everything shines with a beautiful glow, then it goes beyond and reverses all that glow deep inside you. There is no sunshine when you are looking face to face with your soul, and Black Sunshine puts you in a room with your soul and lets you two talk it out, but without talking. Communicating, with yourself, but so deep under you will strain to remember. Highly advanced, this dose attempts to bring you further under than any dose before it. Be warned, this is not a dose for everyone. If you aren't sure, stick to the lighter, more earthly, doses. A dose that can't be described. BLACK SUNSHINE.
Review/Experience: I think that my expectations for Black Sunshine were far too high. After reading the description I thought that I was in for a hell of a ride. Boy, was I wrong. As far as effects go I felt a slight feeling of euphoria around 10 minutes in, I'm considering the fact that this could have been me just in deep relaxation. I almost was asleep until there was a slight sound change around 15 or 16 minutes in. It wasn't evil or demonic like inhalant or GoH, it was just enough to catch my attention and get me back into paying attention to the dose. About a minute later I could see what appeared to be a bright light in the corner or my vision. Now this light was not white, it was more of a offset grayish color, kind of like the color or static on a TV. Very shortly after the light I noticed what seemed to be cars zooming past my eyes. I enjoyed the light and the cars for a little while, but what I was really waiting for was me to fall deep into my conscientiousness to have a conversation with my soul. I was beginning to get anxious and impatient, but right after these thoughts past I heard the beep signaling that the dose had ended. God damn it, was all I could think. Over all I was disappointed and could call this dose mediocre at best. I will try it again in the future but for now, its just not that good in my mind.
Overall rating: 2.5/10
Recreational (Very Strong)
30 Minutes
Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). It has achieved mythical status as a deliberately-ingested psychoactive -- boosted by H.S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It is reputed to cause disorientation and hallucinations. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Adrenochrome: Well, how should I start this off, might I just say... AWESOME!
adrenochrome is an experience like no other I can think of. Effects begin to kick in around 5 minutes when the sounds change for the first time... Not only then, did the effects set in but so it the fear. For the next 5 or 10 minutes you should be experiencing some euphoria, body distortions ( feet melting, body stretching, etc.), possibly some auditorial(spelling blah) and growing fear. Then the sound will change on you which is when absolute terror sets in, as with the terror comes some extreme body distortions, and possibly some visual hallucinations. As for me, when I was sitting on my couch it felt like I was sitting on my couch flying though hyperspace, which was sooooo awesome I can't even begin to describe it. By the end of the dose I was so fucking freaked out I didn't want to open my eyes in fear of seeing some crazed ax murderer standing above me ready to butcher me, I'm sure my mind was also disturbed by the fact that I felt like it was 30 feet long and it that my ears felt like they had flown back another 20 due to my hyperspace flight. Overall this is the best dose aside from Oxy, I have done. I say anyone that has balls and loves an awesome ride should take this roller coaster of a dose.
Overall Rating: 9.5/10
Hallucinogenic (Strong)
35 Minutes
Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic, developed in the mid 1960's, used primarily for veterinary anaesthesiology. Ketamine is used recreationally primarily therapeutic and psychedelic use. Thr effects of this dose range from mild inebriation, dreamy thinking, stumbling, clumsy, or 'robotic' movement, delayed or reduced sensations, vertigo, sometimes erotic feelings, increased sociability, and an interesting sense of seeing the world differently to extreme difficulty moving, complete dissociation, entering complete other realities, classic Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and compelling visions.
Ketamine: Enjoyable, but nothing like the real thing. Well after's connection to the NFL kickoff game was disconnected I decided it was time to try a dose I've owned forever but never done, Special K. The dose started off rather dull. Until what I guess was around 20 percent nothing happened. At 20 percent I could feel some slight lightheadedness, I kind of felt like I was levitating which was pretty cool. This feeling continued for an estimated 5 minutes. Then the real effects began. The blackness of the insides of my eyes took a grayish tint and kept getting lighter. This removed me from my trace state. I was intrigued by this so I decided to open my eyes for a few brief seconds. To my surprise, everything was in black and white, which was very cool. I closed my eyes and decided I would try to fall back into a trance state. Once I was in a trace state I just chilled and watched some interesting patterns in my closed eyes and continued to enjoy the levitation feeling. At around 80 percent colors got very vivid in my eyes and it looked like they were being painted with think paint right in front of me. Just like the last major change, I was removed from my trace state my this. I found this very cool so I decided I would open my eyes again to see if I could get some open eye visuals. Sure enough when I opened my eyes, the entire room looked like it was painted with bright, thick, candy paint; also the room was zooming in and out which was sick. These are the best open eye visuals I've had with any single Idoser. In fear of fucking up my dose, I recolsed my eyes and just let the rest of the dose play. Nothing changed after that. In end Ketamine is a very interesting dose and I will surly try it agian. The major problem with it is the fact that it dose not change your perception (aside from visuals) of the world around you, like the real K does, and most other good Idoses do.
Overall rating: 7/10
Recreational (VERY VERY Strong)
35 Minutes
If you are new to hallucinogenic experiences then we HIGHLY suggest starting with our TRIP dose. It is MUCH more mellow than Peyote. If you really want to fly through the outer stratosphere, then we are happy to offer you Peyote. We sent one of our senior techs to Amsterdam to sample some of the best Peyote in the world, equipped him with a laptop, and told him to write a dose that gets you as close as possible. He came back with this, and it BLEW OUR MINDS! Causes a mystical loss of oneself, disorientation of the senses, distortions in body image, distortions in perception, the inability to communicate and hyper suggestibility. A true altered state of consciousness, not a toy, not for the weak minded, not for MOST people. If you aren't ready, STAY AWAY! We warned you.
Review: The best hallucinogenic dose I have tried. Hands down, great. The dose starts out rather slowly. It is not one of those doses that starts off quick and doesn't let go of you, instead the noises start off quietly and are mellow and relaxing. I'd say 4-5 minutes in, I had already fallen into a deep state of transcendence. It was very relaxing. Then abruptly, my closed eyes took a yellow tint, and stayed that way for roughly the next 5-6 minutes, during this time I just let the dose take me into deeper, and deeper relaxation. Then BOOM. Then tones changed ever so slightly but that was just enough to trigger the main part of this master piece of a hallucinogenic dose. I could hear, what appeared to be hundreds of horses dashing around my house. Along with these auditory hallucinations came some great CEV's. The yellow, which had gotten gradually darker, began to swirl. Once the swirling was complete, I could see that I was right under the eye of a hurricane. My CEVs focused a little more and I noticed that I was outside of a small shack in the Fallout 3 expansion pack Point Lookout . So basically I was in a hurricane In a dark, desolate swap... VERY COOL! Sadly, as I do with every dose, I must include downsides. The biggest problem with this dose was that unless you fell into a VERY deep trance state, chances are, your body would feel completely normal and your brain would be completely attached to your body, unlike real mescaline. Overall Peyote was a great dose for CEVs. The only doses I would pick over it are Oxy, and just barley Adrenochrome.
Overall Rating: 9/10
I will do cliff hanger soon, considering I own it, but I think I'm going to try a few others before I do it. Just a little check in on that.
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
45 Minutes
The Green Fairy; The Green Goddess; La Fee Verte. Our engineers went back to first-hand accounts recorded as far bast as the 1850s, and attempted to simulate the effects of of this mystic green drink. Did we succed? We may never know for sure, since Absinthe was banned long ago. We've compared it to other real-world wormwood concoctions, and we think you will agree there is something to this: lucidity hits slowly as your speech becomes very articulate and your ideas clear, the haze sets, but but drifts, you are drunk but you aren't. Suddenly you realize why this was the drug of choice for Van Gogh, Baudelaire, and Verlaine - it is a surreal smooth unlike anything available on the street today that opens your mind, glosses over the universe, but makes everything clear all at once. Amazing, is what you will call it. Absinthe is what it is.
Overall Absinthe was a pleasant dose. During the dose euphoria kicked in around 20-25 percent. Along with the euphoria come a somewhat enjoyable color show, consisting of mostly green and yellow for myself. Shortly after that dizziness sets in. Maybe 10 minutes later you feel very heavy and sort of glued to your bed or couch. As of right now Absinthe should feel similar Alcohol, and inhalant, but not quite as strong. By this point you should be in a state or Trance or very close to it. Around 60 percent ( estimation) your mind may begin to race with odd thoughts about life, death, and the universe. These thoughts should continue throughout the rest of the dose, as well should the dizziness, and sluggishness. After the dose ends every thing around you will seem very alien, but at the same time so familiar. The first thing that i wanted to do was draw what ever popped into my mind, unfortunately all I had at my disposal was crayons, but in the end I turned out to have a drawing different and more alien than any picture I have ever created before. If I can get my damn scanner to work I will post the drawing. There are a few flaws in this dose though, first being how long it was. Next it didn't give you a real high, but more a pleasant body feeling and very deep thinking. Overall I enjoyed Absinthe, it is very hard to describe the total experience I got from it, but I would recommend it to anyone seeking an out of the ordinary dose.
Overall rating: 7/10
Black Sunshine: (Sorry about the late post everyone, my internet was broken so I was unable to put anything up.) Recreational (VERY STRONG)
35 Minutes
You know a dose is good when all of a sudden our email box is spammed with high regards for a specific dose. That happened when White Crosses was released, another popular dose of ours. All everyone could talk about was White Crosses. Black Sunshine can be considered our first sequel dose. From the team who created White Crosses, comes BLACK SUNSHINE. They said they could do a dose just as good or better than White Crosses, and everybody laughed. Well, THEY DID IT! BLACK SUNSHINE is the anti-stimulant. I wish we could easily put into words what this dose does, but it is so beyond words... let's try: It takes your brain and twists it so that everything shines with a beautiful glow, then it goes beyond and reverses all that glow deep inside you. There is no sunshine when you are looking face to face with your soul, and Black Sunshine puts you in a room with your soul and lets you two talk it out, but without talking. Communicating, with yourself, but so deep under you will strain to remember. Highly advanced, this dose attempts to bring you further under than any dose before it. Be warned, this is not a dose for everyone. If you aren't sure, stick to the lighter, more earthly, doses. A dose that can't be described. BLACK SUNSHINE.
Review/Experience: I think that my expectations for Black Sunshine were far too high. After reading the description I thought that I was in for a hell of a ride. Boy, was I wrong. As far as effects go I felt a slight feeling of euphoria around 10 minutes in, I'm considering the fact that this could have been me just in deep relaxation. I almost was asleep until there was a slight sound change around 15 or 16 minutes in. It wasn't evil or demonic like inhalant or GoH, it was just enough to catch my attention and get me back into paying attention to the dose. About a minute later I could see what appeared to be a bright light in the corner or my vision. Now this light was not white, it was more of a offset grayish color, kind of like the color or static on a TV. Very shortly after the light I noticed what seemed to be cars zooming past my eyes. I enjoyed the light and the cars for a little while, but what I was really waiting for was me to fall deep into my conscientiousness to have a conversation with my soul. I was beginning to get anxious and impatient, but right after these thoughts past I heard the beep signaling that the dose had ended. God damn it, was all I could think. Over all I was disappointed and could call this dose mediocre at best. I will try it again in the future but for now, its just not that good in my mind.
Overall rating: 2.5/10
Recreational (Very Strong)
30 Minutes
Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine). It has achieved mythical status as a deliberately-ingested psychoactive -- boosted by H.S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It is reputed to cause disorientation and hallucinations. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Adrenochrome: Well, how should I start this off, might I just say... AWESOME!
adrenochrome is an experience like no other I can think of. Effects begin to kick in around 5 minutes when the sounds change for the first time... Not only then, did the effects set in but so it the fear. For the next 5 or 10 minutes you should be experiencing some euphoria, body distortions ( feet melting, body stretching, etc.), possibly some auditorial(spelling blah) and growing fear. Then the sound will change on you which is when absolute terror sets in, as with the terror comes some extreme body distortions, and possibly some visual hallucinations. As for me, when I was sitting on my couch it felt like I was sitting on my couch flying though hyperspace, which was sooooo awesome I can't even begin to describe it. By the end of the dose I was so fucking freaked out I didn't want to open my eyes in fear of seeing some crazed ax murderer standing above me ready to butcher me, I'm sure my mind was also disturbed by the fact that I felt like it was 30 feet long and it that my ears felt like they had flown back another 20 due to my hyperspace flight. Overall this is the best dose aside from Oxy, I have done. I say anyone that has balls and loves an awesome ride should take this roller coaster of a dose.
Overall Rating: 9.5/10
Hallucinogenic (Strong)
35 Minutes
Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic, developed in the mid 1960's, used primarily for veterinary anaesthesiology. Ketamine is used recreationally primarily therapeutic and psychedelic use. Thr effects of this dose range from mild inebriation, dreamy thinking, stumbling, clumsy, or 'robotic' movement, delayed or reduced sensations, vertigo, sometimes erotic feelings, increased sociability, and an interesting sense of seeing the world differently to extreme difficulty moving, complete dissociation, entering complete other realities, classic Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and compelling visions.
Ketamine: Enjoyable, but nothing like the real thing. Well after's connection to the NFL kickoff game was disconnected I decided it was time to try a dose I've owned forever but never done, Special K. The dose started off rather dull. Until what I guess was around 20 percent nothing happened. At 20 percent I could feel some slight lightheadedness, I kind of felt like I was levitating which was pretty cool. This feeling continued for an estimated 5 minutes. Then the real effects began. The blackness of the insides of my eyes took a grayish tint and kept getting lighter. This removed me from my trace state. I was intrigued by this so I decided to open my eyes for a few brief seconds. To my surprise, everything was in black and white, which was very cool. I closed my eyes and decided I would try to fall back into a trance state. Once I was in a trace state I just chilled and watched some interesting patterns in my closed eyes and continued to enjoy the levitation feeling. At around 80 percent colors got very vivid in my eyes and it looked like they were being painted with think paint right in front of me. Just like the last major change, I was removed from my trace state my this. I found this very cool so I decided I would open my eyes again to see if I could get some open eye visuals. Sure enough when I opened my eyes, the entire room looked like it was painted with bright, thick, candy paint; also the room was zooming in and out which was sick. These are the best open eye visuals I've had with any single Idoser. In fear of fucking up my dose, I recolsed my eyes and just let the rest of the dose play. Nothing changed after that. In end Ketamine is a very interesting dose and I will surly try it agian. The major problem with it is the fact that it dose not change your perception (aside from visuals) of the world around you, like the real K does, and most other good Idoses do.
Overall rating: 7/10
Recreational (VERY VERY Strong)
35 Minutes
If you are new to hallucinogenic experiences then we HIGHLY suggest starting with our TRIP dose. It is MUCH more mellow than Peyote. If you really want to fly through the outer stratosphere, then we are happy to offer you Peyote. We sent one of our senior techs to Amsterdam to sample some of the best Peyote in the world, equipped him with a laptop, and told him to write a dose that gets you as close as possible. He came back with this, and it BLEW OUR MINDS! Causes a mystical loss of oneself, disorientation of the senses, distortions in body image, distortions in perception, the inability to communicate and hyper suggestibility. A true altered state of consciousness, not a toy, not for the weak minded, not for MOST people. If you aren't ready, STAY AWAY! We warned you.
Review: The best hallucinogenic dose I have tried. Hands down, great. The dose starts out rather slowly. It is not one of those doses that starts off quick and doesn't let go of you, instead the noises start off quietly and are mellow and relaxing. I'd say 4-5 minutes in, I had already fallen into a deep state of transcendence. It was very relaxing. Then abruptly, my closed eyes took a yellow tint, and stayed that way for roughly the next 5-6 minutes, during this time I just let the dose take me into deeper, and deeper relaxation. Then BOOM. Then tones changed ever so slightly but that was just enough to trigger the main part of this master piece of a hallucinogenic dose. I could hear, what appeared to be hundreds of horses dashing around my house. Along with these auditory hallucinations came some great CEV's. The yellow, which had gotten gradually darker, began to swirl. Once the swirling was complete, I could see that I was right under the eye of a hurricane. My CEVs focused a little more and I noticed that I was outside of a small shack in the Fallout 3 expansion pack Point Lookout . So basically I was in a hurricane In a dark, desolate swap... VERY COOL! Sadly, as I do with every dose, I must include downsides. The biggest problem with this dose was that unless you fell into a VERY deep trance state, chances are, your body would feel completely normal and your brain would be completely attached to your body, unlike real mescaline. Overall Peyote was a great dose for CEVs. The only doses I would pick over it are Oxy, and just barley Adrenochrome.
Overall Rating: 9/10
I will do cliff hanger soon, considering I own it, but I think I'm going to try a few others before I do it. Just a little check in on that.
Last edited by 420master on Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:23 pm, edited 15 times in total.
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
- Level 3 (30-49)
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- Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:14 pm
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
"Fluff Post"pshad23 wrote:its good to hear something about this dose ive always wanted to try it
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
Im not sure how thats a "fluff post" because I didn't write it.cameraboirzu wrote:"Fluff Post"pshad23 wrote:its good to hear something about this dose ive always wanted to try it
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
Exactly, I quoted pshad23. Not you.420master wrote:Im not sure how thats a "fluff post" because I didn't write it.cameraboirzu wrote:"Fluff Post"pshad23 wrote:its good to hear something about this dose ive always wanted to try it
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
- Posts: 1341
- Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:13 pm
Oh no, i meant to say this in the post... The scary change of sound is not a static shit attack, it is simply a sound change that changes the effects to terrify you. It is an awesome dose, when pick out doses this is a must. I had just finished Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, it inspired me to do it, and reading payed off big time for once, I'd say this is as good as HoG or GoH or at least in there level of awesomeness... and this is much cheaper then either of the two.