[/b] Not my spelling will be off becouse its late at night and im sleepy
[/i]So i went ahead and bought nitrouse and iv tryed it twise so far with minimal succses Im relaxed i listen to the music no twitching and the most i got out of it was tingly feeling in my legs and a feeling of like a little kid pushing on my legs. i know i can do it since i have had succses with heroinQH *Alittle bit of warm* but not with nitrouse and iv heard really good reviews about nitrouse and people feeling the room spin and shit it sounds sooo awsome. Iv done like 8 doses with no succses. Yes im using steiro earphones and im laying down on the a couch in a comfertable position. [/i]
Wellllllllll from what I've heard it takes time for you're mind to get use to the beats. Sometimes it takes you 2 doses, maybe even 6 doses. And be sure to focus ONLY on the dose and if you're ADHD like me... count the beats and the 'whoos'. Lie down, dim the lights or turn them off, put on good headphones, close yer eyes, listen to the sounds of virtual drugs. Welcome to the forums.
It's difficult for me to focus for long, so if you have trouble concentrating like I do, maybe try quickhits first.
For me, counting doesn't work, I mess up the numbers (I think I have dyslexia but only with numbers haha) and I get frustrated, and lose all concentration...so instead, I imagine the sounds as something tangible..like as a sound traveling around my body. It helps keep me focused.
Also, make sure you pee before you do this. I was dosing earlier, and I was doing so good...then I had to pee. I could not ignore it and it completely ruined the dose for me so I had to give up. So try to pee before you dose :'D
I'll deffinitely come back to this when I'm on a PC
so I can type more, however:
Your brain needs time to get used to the doses. If you did not getfull effects from heroin it means your still getting used to doses. Nitrous STILL doesn't work on me and i'm fairly experienced with Idoser.
I would say switch to cocaineQH or marijuanaQH, or do more heroin, but don't switch around. Those are the beginner doses and you need to get used to binaurals before they will work. It can take up to a month or more for them to start working.
Oh god i hate marijuana i could not stand that eeeeeeerrrr!!! sound right in the middle of it. No its not scary at all, its just really really fucking annoying haha.
And ya i figured going pee might help to. iv tryed QH's i have a few i bought but i was thinking when i get so bored out of my mind takeing it i normaly stop and do something elts.
One last thing tho is iv taken 15 i-doser doses in my life before.
I think i wasint doing it right the first 9 times tho. till i went on the forums and found out how to properly take the dose .
ifuck wrote:Oh god i hate marijuana i could not stand that eeeeeeerrrr!!! sound right in the middle of it. No its not scary at all, its just really really fucking annoying haha.
And ya i figured going pee might help to. iv tryed QH's i have a few i bought but i was thinking when i get so bored out of my mind takeing it i normaly stop and do something elts.
One last thing tho is iv taken 15 i-doser doses in my life before.
I think i wasint doing it right the first 9 times tho. till i went on the forums and found out how to properly take the dose .
I don't think there's an "improper" way, but I see what you mean.