I just can't get it to work.

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Post by cameraboirzu »

If you truly beleive your relaxed it should be working. I suggest longer doses for you, so that you have more time to concentrate.
Use a concentration technique, and let it be the only thing besides the sound going through your head.
Don't go in thinking ANYTHING. No "It wont work", no "if this doesnt work I'll get mad" and deffinitely not "this is a scam". "Whatever happens, happens."

If you are piggybacking doses for 2 hours, you reset your brain each time you start the dose over. The dose doesn't just start out with the tones that get you in the state; usually the first 10 minutes are conditioning tones, to get your brain ready. You reset yourself whenever you start it again.

CocaineQH, should be easy to lay down with, and you'll begin feeling effects.

I don't think you understand. These doses don't come close, at all. The marijuanaQH couldn't even be said to get you "high" It resembles a buzz, but its very weak. Alcohol dose resembles alcohol, but its much easier and better to drink alcohol. All it does is make you warm, and lightheaded.
Hallucinogens won't ACTUALLY make you hallucinate, and Anestesia won't knock you out.
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Post by Ethnocide »

cameraboirzu wrote:If you truly beleive your relaxed it should be working. I suggest longer doses for you, so that you have more time to concentrate.
Use a concentration technique, and let it be the only thing besides the sound going through your head.
Don't go in thinking ANYTHING. No "It wont work", no "if this doesnt work I'll get mad" and deffinitely not "this is a scam". "Whatever happens, happens."

If you are piggybacking doses for 2 hours, you reset your brain each time you start the dose over. The dose doesn't just start out with the tones that get you in the state; usually the first 10 minutes are conditioning tones, to get your brain ready. You reset yourself whenever you start it again.

CocaineQH, should be easy to lay down with, and you'll begin feeling effects.

I don't think you understand. These doses don't come close, at all. The marijuanaQH couldn't even be said to get you "high" It resembles a buzz, but its very weak. Alcohol dose resembles alcohol, but its much easier and better to drink alcohol. All it does is make you warm, and lightheaded.
Hallucinogens won't ACTUALLY make you hallucinate, and Anestesia won't knock you out.
Are there ANY doses with ANY sort of strong effects at all? I am not piggybacking the doses, by the way. I leave an hour or two in between each dose. Does cocaine even give you energy? If not why do they even call it cocaine if it's NOTHING like cocaine? That's what makes it seem like a scam. The fact that they advertise a drug effect, but deliver something not even remotely on the same level as close, that smells like a scam to me, no? False advertising in the VERY least.

What about Hand of God or Gates of Hades? Surely these must produce a strong effect. Expensive though. I have inhalant, people said it was supposed to be crazy. I never did an inhalant before, so I have no expectation on what it feels like, but people say it produces strong effects? I got zip with it.

How do people spend so much money on these if all you get is tiny little, barely noticeable effects? How can one expect to spend all that money on Gates of Hades if something profound doesn't happen?

I can hear the Doses going through tone shifts, each one after about ten minutes goes through a shift, but nothing happens to me.

Anyway... I'll keep trying the concentration techniques. It's very hard to keep only the counting in my head, my brain really wants to wander off on random thoughts.

I will say one effect I am getting with every dose, but it's the same effect with every dose; When I lose concentration on my technique and my brain starts wandering, I do get some strange thoughts popping into my head. A random face will pop into my head sometimes. But still no other effects at all yet. I'll keep trying.

BTW - The effects you describe for MJ QH and alcohol don't happen with me at all.

Also: Some of these experience reports say the effects happened to them strongly, like alcohol for example. I have a feeling the experience reports (outside of forum) are fake.
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Post by Ethnocide »

When I am counting backwards, should I say the numbers in my head, or make a mental image of the numbers ticking down, or both? Will doing this technique increase the feeling I will get, or just allow it to start happening?

I admit I keep losing count at about 421 (from 500). My brain slips off thinking about random stuff I'm not intending to think about. At first I thought this was supposed to happen, and the effects will kick in when my brain is like this - but nope. When the audio goes off and the dose is done, I just lay there.... feel it out... for a few minutes... nothing. The random thoughts produce no feelings, they are the same random thoughts I get at night just before I go to sleep.

So I have to try to keep counting backwards when I find myself slipping off right? Slipping off is bad?

I did fairly well at staying with the counting one time, but still no effects.
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Post by Matt0 »

Maybe the dose of Cocaine doesnt have that effect from the real thing? and you dont have to be lieing down, you just have to be relaxed and concentrate on the sounds.
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Post by Ethnocide »

Matt0 wrote:Maybe the dose of Cocaine doesnt have that effect from the real thing? and you dont have to be lieing down, you just have to be relaxed and concentrate on the sounds.
Do you mean, like, try to listen harder to them or something? I mean I hear them, they are there, I been trying to "concentrate" on the sounds. I'll keep trying.
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Post by Matt0 »

Ethnocide wrote:
Matt0 wrote:Maybe the dose of Cocaine doesnt have that effect from the real thing? and you dont have to be lieing down, you just have to be relaxed and concentrate on the sounds.
Do you mean, like, try to listen harder to them or something? I mean I hear them, they are there, I been trying to "concentrate" on the sounds. I'll keep trying.
I mean completely drown out any other sounds and pay attention to only that.

and to answer the questions about strong doses. Hand of God and Gate of Hades, but I doubt you'll splurge for them. :lol: Maybe you can find someone else that has them and try those.

And its not a scam cause I have gotten effects from the Opium, Alcohol and AnesthesiaQH dose

Edit: Okay I read the rest of that. Look up Gate of Hades on youtube and look at csknifers videos. theres also one with the last 10 minutes of the GoH dose. You wont be able to get any effect from it but atleast you can hear what it sounds like.

Edit2: I think your main problem is your whole attitude of it. If you start the dose with doubts that it will work, most likely you wont get anything. Your mind must be open to the possibility of its success. Tell yourself (while concentrating on the sounds) that its going to work. Positive thoughts should equal positive results.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

In a way it is false advertising. Not to offend the makers.
Yes, the cocaine dose DOES energize you, not like actual cocaine. I get strong effects, but I have been doing it for a while , so it is stronger.

HoG and GoH no matter how expensive are not worth the price. Binaurals NEVER will come close to actual drugs. If that is what you are trying to experience this is not for you.

You need to change how you view it, don't be pessimistic, and continue counting the full way without letting your mind wander.

So to answer, the doses are LIKE the doses, but they don't come that close. Actual cocaine is a level 10. Idoser cocaine is like a 4 or 5. The effects aren't barely noticeable, but perhaps your overlooking them if you are expecting cocaine to be like snorting 2 lines.

Many of the experiences outside of the forum are fake, as well as many in the forum. People feel like they have to make them up. But normally people don't. Don't get me wrong, you can get good effects from idoser, but it won't be like putting chemicals in your body.
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Post by Ethnocide »

Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be like the real thing, but I am not overlooking anything. I would definitely know if I felt even 1/2 or 1/4 of a coke trip. I know for I'm getting nothing so far.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Ethnocide wrote:Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be like the real thing, but I am not overlooking anything. I would definitely know if I felt even 1/2 or 1/4 of a coke trip. I know for I'm getting nothing so far.
Well, its all very unfortunate. Just slow down on how much time your using on it. If you are truly convinced that it won't work for you then stop, but I'd say give it a little more time.
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Post by Matt0 »

If you are absolutely positive that you are doing everything properly and having a good attitude and its still not working then you just may be one of the few that it doesnt work on. but like camerahead said, just keep trying and give it more time. You may just be a late bloomer :lol:
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Post by Ethnocide »

I've always been known to be the most intelligent guy in my peer group, if that matters at all.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Ethnocide wrote:I've always been known to be the most intelligent guy in my peer group, if that matters at all.
Means nothing. Haha.
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Post by Pimpske »

I've been having the exact same problem. Been totally calm and relaxed, and for the full 30 minutes of the dose i wont move a muscle except for the odd twitch. Every time i lay down i think about how it's going to work, so i have a full positive attitude, including concentration on the counting.

I counted from 500-0 and got nothing, so i started over again. I've done +10 doses of the Opium and still nothing. Once, i felt my head spinning, but thats a natural occurance when one starts to fall asleep.

I'm in the exact same boat as Ethnocide, except i am positive, and i am calm and relaxed. I have yet to spend any money on this, because of the 7 free doses, so i have nothing to regret while i dose.

A buddy of mine tried this a long time ago. He played computer games while dosing Alcohol, and still got a full powered effect the first time!
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Pimpske wrote:I've been having the exact same problem. Been totally calm and relaxed, and for the full 30 minutes of the dose i wont move a muscle except for the odd twitch. Every time i lay down i think about how it's going to work, so i have a full positive attitude, including concentration on the counting.

I counted from 500-0 and got nothing, so i started over again. I've done +10 doses of the Opium and still nothing. Once, i felt my head spinning, but thats a natural occurance when one starts to fall asleep.

I'm in the exact same boat as Ethnocide, except i am positive, and i am calm and relaxed. I have yet to spend any money on this, because of the 7 free doses, so i have nothing to regret while i dose.

A buddy of mine tried this a long time ago. He played computer games while dosing Alcohol, and still got a full powered effect the first time!
Your friend is one of the lucky bastards who got it to work first try. You, however, need to keep trying. It'll come to you.
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Post by Pimpske »

cameraboirzu wrote:
Pimpske wrote:I've been having the exact same problem. Been totally calm and relaxed, and for the full 30 minutes of the dose i wont move a muscle except for the odd twitch. Every time i lay down i think about how it's going to work, so i have a full positive attitude, including concentration on the counting.

I counted from 500-0 and got nothing, so i started over again. I've done +10 doses of the Opium and still nothing. Once, i felt my head spinning, but thats a natural occurance when one starts to fall asleep.

I'm in the exact same boat as Ethnocide, except i am positive, and i am calm and relaxed. I have yet to spend any money on this, because of the 7 free doses, so i have nothing to regret while i dose.

A buddy of mine tried this a long time ago. He played computer games while dosing Alcohol, and still got a full powered effect the first time!
Your friend is one of the lucky bastards who got it to work first try. You, however, need to keep trying. It'll come to you.
It seems like recently i'm about to fall into an effect, but i feel it coming. So my heart beats as if i'm just run 30 miles because of my excitement, then i lose concentration because my heart is so loud and my excitement so obvious, then fall out of the trance and just hear a humming again like i use to.

So i figure the only way to actually get this is to stop getting so damn excited when the effects come in. I suppose that only comes with experience, after getting effects 20-30 times, i probably wont be so excited when they finally set in.
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