LSD experience

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LSD experience

Post by NeapolitanHusky »

All right, I've had I-Doser for a couple months now, and I've always enjoyed doses like... Demerol, MarijuanaQH, etc... But, I had some free time last night, and decided to go ahead and try a new dose... LSD.

It's about 3:30AM. All of my friends have signed off MSN, I suddenly realize, and I've become bored with my games, so I decide... Hell, why not dose? I know that when you dose, for the best effects, you should... Lie down in a dark room... Had that. And you should relax, as if you're about to take a nap... Conveniently, I was already in a drowsy, clear-headed state. So, I got myself comfortable... Turned off my ceiling fan, because it was getting chilly. Pulled on a pair of pajama pants, pulled up a blanket, laid down with a pillow and some cheap wrap-around headphones... The kind that you just slip around your ears. Laid back, closed my eyes, began counting backwards from 1000... Clicked play.

I didn't pay attention to the percentages or time, because I was really just too relaxed to really bother looking up. I was content with just letting it happen, and for the first time, really, I took a whole dose without feeling anxious as to when I should start feeling the effects... Besides, this is the first time I've ever taken this dose, so... What all can I really expect?

The first thing I notice is that my eyelids seem to... WANT to open. I suddenly have a hard time keeping them shut, and I don't think it was till near the end of the dose that I was able to stay completely relaxed and still keep them shut.
Next, my tongue goes numb. Yes, of all things, it's my TONGUE that decides it wants to go numb on me- not even that pins and needles feeling. Just numbness.
Later, I felt hollow. But, not in a BAD way- more like a clean, blank slate kind of way. It was very relaxing, very soothing. By this time, I became aware that not only had my counting been going slower and slower (not to mention I started skipping numbers), but I had now stopped counting entirely without noticing.
Around my eyes, I noticed a bit of light, like a solar eclipse, where it's black in the middle and bright around the peripherals.
I lose track of my eyelids. My eyes are closed, but my eyelids feel like they've just disappeared. I don't seem to mind.
I start to get a very weak kaleidoscope kind of effect with closed eyes- I can see those radially symmetrical shapes and such, but the fill is with very dull colors; grays, blacks, very dark purples and blues, to the point where I'm still not sure if they were actually colored or just different shades of gray. I could barely 'see' them. I think I started to notice faces in the patterns, very vaguely.
My whole body is gone now. I'm still entirely conscious and aware of myself and everything around me, but I feel like my body's just up and gone, leaving my thoughts behind to continue lying on the bed; I, of course, am those 'thoughts.' Again, it doesn't feel bad. Just clean, fresh. Renewed.

The dose ends, and I continue to lay for a bit before bothering to open my eyes.

The room seems smaller for some reason. My Nintendo Wii pesters me with its blue-ish strobe-like light to update it, and it creates some interesting shadows. In the darkest corners of my room, I see some of my posters seem to... Melt. The brightest, most noticeable whites seem to droop a little, without actually moving at all. I notice that the shadow of my ceiling fan cast against the ceiling looks like butterfly wings. Every shape has a clean, crisp black line, like when I clean up my art in photoshop- perfecting those lines and making sure there are no stray pixels... It's all perfect. I'm not sure if I feel happy, but I know I'm content, like the afterglow of orgasm. Sated, satisfied.

I take off my headphones, get up, move my laptop away from my bed (I have no desk, so I keep it on a podium similar to what sheet music is usually read off of), and lay back down to go to sleep.

It's about 4:37AM.

I don't dream.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

Wow, this almost seemed like a creative piece of writing. It's very dramatic, yet not over dramatic. I actually enjoyed reading it a lot. Nice experience, it's very similar to the time I did the LSDQH dose, except a lot stronger. Well done.
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Post by NeapolitanHusky »

Bloodbane424 wrote:Wow, this almost seemed like a creative piece of writing. It's very dramatic, yet not over dramatic. I actually enjoyed reading it a lot. Nice experience, it's very similar to the time I did the LSDQH dose, except a lot stronger. Well done.
Heh, thanks, I'm glad to know I was able to put the whole experience out into an artful fashion. Truth be told, I was thinking about it before falling asleep, and tried to verbalize the way I really FELT and THOUGHT during the whole experience, and that's just pretty much how it came to me.

This was my first time trying the LSD dose, though, and I haven't dosed in a while before that. I can honestly say that I was pleasantly shocked to have gotten such strong effects for it having been my first time using the dose. I guess LSD is just one of those doses that kinda clicks for me. The MarijuanaQH, so far, has had the strongest effect on me from the get-go.

I think I'm going to try and pick ONE dose to do for a while until I get the best effects. I'll probably end up using it two or three times a day, depending on the length, and just see how much better the effects get. I think I'd like to start with something short, like Nitrous- so far, the most I've gotten from Nitrous is... Numbness in my fingers and toes, as well as some vertigo and a little giggling. But because of the length, I'm sure I shouldn't have any issues doing it several times a day for, say, a week or two...

I still consider myself a beginner, definitely. So I'll start slow with things like Nitrous, LSD, MJQH... And kinda work my way up to something like White Crosses.

Wish me luck!
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

It seems as though the LSD dose added to your creative ability quite a bit.
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Post by NeapolitanHusky »

Bloodbane424 wrote:It seems as though the LSD dose added to your creative ability quite a bit.
Well, it's a hallucinogenic dose, so I s'pose it has a way of making you look at things in a different light; notice things you probably wouldn't notice and so on.

I'm sure these are things I see every day and just don't really think to actively look for. Like the kaleidoscope effect in my eyes? That could've just been me seeing the dimmed light of my laptop or the strobe light of my wii through my eye-lids. The veins could create the pattern, while the dose distorts them. I look for patterns and such all the time, anyway, so that would explain me seeing faces in it and such, as well as noting the similarity between the shadows my ceiling fan makes and the wings of a butterfly.

I was just describing the experience as I felt and saw it.

I'll only know more the more I do the dose, so we'll see.
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Post by deadlydream »

This was a very interesting, well written experience.

It makes me want to go do LSD.. idoser of course :)
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Post by hopesdead »

I might still be feeling the effects of this dose. I just did it like an hour ago. I didn't get any hallucinogenic eye visions. Right when I finished the dose I felt the need to write. I'd been wanting to write something for a while lately and couldn't find any ideas. I wrote a whole poem from start to finish without thinking. My senses are heightened a lot. I can smell better, see better (I'm nearsighted and I helped a little), my touch is the same, my hearing is better (sort of scary, I went to the bathroom after dosing and the toilet sounded strange like a monster screaming and very load, more than normal) and my taste is better (I cooked eggs and noticed that I'm always lettering it overcook a bit now). I also posted without thinking really The Smashing Pumpkins ocver of The Animals song "A Girl Named Sandoz" on my Tumblr blog (the song is named after the company that created LSD).

During the dose itself my eyes wanted to stay open and the outside lights seemed to get brighter as the dose went on and on. After finishing the dose I thought I saw three green triangles connected by a line that made a big triangle when I closed my eyes.
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